
Friday, September 13, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Get On The Lost Man Barge!?!

Jesus Christ
Our Only Savior
Lord And Holy God
Plainly Said:

I Come Not To Bring Peace
But A Sword!

The Prophet Daniel
Plainly Said:

The Man Of Sin
- By Peace -
Shall Destroy Many!

The Preserved Word Of Almighty God
The Truth!

The Man Of Sin
Blasphemously Taking Unto Himself
The Prerogatives Of The True And Living God
Universally Coined The Man Of Peace!
How Can Both Of These Co-Exist!?!

By The Way ...

Also The Unscriptural, Ecumenical, Charge
Where All "Gods"
- True And False -
Are On "Equal" Footing!

Masterful Manipulator Is Running Amok!
Masterful Manipulator 

A Bait And Switch Shock-Jock!
He Is Fallen Man's Priest 
Fallen Man's Confessor!
He Is Both Pimp And Prostitute!
He Judges No Man
Encourages No Human From Sin To Seek To Cut Loose!
Brethren, Beloved
It's All A Diabolical Ruse!

Whatever Ails ... He Has A Potion!
Whatever Bothers ... He Has The Solution!
Whatever Irritates ... He Knows How To Satiate!
Pity, Though, That He Refuses To See Or Accept That
Unrepentant Sinners Share
Satan's Known And Just 
Unchangeable Fate! 

Master Manipulator Wants To Be King Of The World!
Master Manipulator Swings On The Tail Of
The Leader Of The Lost Goat Herd
He Hears Things
Sees Things And Feels
That The Man Unconnected To The Fallen Bright Star
Will Never Understand
Will Never Know How To Unseal!

Common Good!

Common Good!
Ecumenical Charge!
All Gods Are One!
All Gods Are One! 
Get On The Lost Man Barge!

Children Of The Father
Listen Unto Me:
When Your Hand Is In The Lion's Mouth
You Do Not Drag It Out!
Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Utter A Heartfelt Prayer
Unto The Lord Our God
The Living Joy Of Us All
He Shall Come To Your Rescue
In No Time At All!

Anything That Is For Your Good
Shall Accrue To Our God's Glory
Shall Place Into Your Hot Little Hands
An Opportunity To Tell One And Another

Sin-Weary Soul
The Good News Gospel Of Christ Story!

Jesus Christ Saves!

Pass The Word Along!
Don't Keep It To Yourself!
Pass The Word Around!
Let's Praise The Lord Christ In Song!
Pass The Word Along With Holy Faith Strong:

Our Salvation
Has Been Brought Down!

Because Of Jesus Christ's Willing, Perfect, Sacrifice
We Shall Be Relieved Of Old Satan
His Gainsaying Minions 
Willful ... Wayward
Wittingly Deceived
- Rabidly Unrepentant -
Before Very Long!

Ye Saints
Almighty God And Christ
Stand Firm
In Jesus' Holy Faith!
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Will Keep You Humble
Walking Wise
Blessed Forever
The Lord Of Life
Will Take Care Of You!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is The Lover Of My Soul And Heaven - At The Last Trumpet - With Him Is My Heart's Sworn Goal! Thank You, Lord Jesus, For Sacrificing Your Life To Save Mine! Help Me To Be Faithful Until Death So That In The Appointed Day I May Physically Touch You And Say: Thank You, Lord! I Love You!


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