
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

House Of Life

House Of Life, Realm Of Man

Divison Of Temporal Life ... Now
Division Of Everlasting Life ... Later
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Lover Of Man's Soul
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Only Begotten Son Of The Father
The King
The Judge
The Lord


*** Only Free Will
Free Choice
Are The Accepted Forms Of Currency
Accessing The Various Departments! ***


The Adversary
Your Purchased Soul!

Department Of Rebellion
Officer-In-Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying, Presumptuous, Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Itching Ears
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Deceit
Officer-In-Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying Self, Covetousness, Lust And Greed

Department Of Greed
Officer-In-Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying Prideful, Lustful Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of The Good News And Godly Inspiration
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous
Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of The Strait And Narrow Way
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Truth
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Light And Godly Power
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of All Good Gifts
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Faith And Hope
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Fervent And Importunate Prayer
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of The Call To Confession And Repentance Of Known Sin
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous
Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Doubt And Double-Mindedness
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying Self, Pride, And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Storms And Disasters
Officer In Charge: (Limited Leeway Given To SATAN The Bold)

Department Of Presumption
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying, Prideful, Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Ungodly Fear
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Gainsaying Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Lust, Vice And Inordinate Affection
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Prideful, Presumptuous, Gainsaying, Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Idolatry:
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Gainsaying Self, Pride, Covetousness And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Forgiveness
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Justification
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Sanctification
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Glorification
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous
Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Murder And Mayhem
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold

Utilizing Man's Prideful Self And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Gainsaying
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold
Utilizing Practiced Deceit And Man's Willfulness

Department Of Gossip
Officer In Charge: SATAN The Bold
Utilizing Man's False Pride And Practiced Deceit

Department Of Meekness, Kindness, Goodness
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Love
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Protection And Godly Influence
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous

Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
And Holy Angels Excelling In Strength

Department Of Intercession
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous
Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Department Of Judgment
Officer In Charge: Jesus Christ The Righteous
Utilizing The Agency Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth

Hours Of Operation:

24 Per Day x 7 Days Per Week
Moment By Moment

Special Blessing For Those Who Remember
To Keep The Seventh-Day Sabbath
On The Hallowed Seventh Day
For Those Who Abide Under The Prescription Of
Psalm 119:105!

Daily Word To Live By:

Word For The Hour Of Need:

Word For The Day, The Hour, The Moment Of Weakness:

Word For The Hour Of Temptation:

Know Your Blessed Position In The Lord Your God:

Only Jesus Christ Saves:

1 comment:

  1. In The Hour Of My Trial Before The Father, Dear Jesus, Please Plead Your Shed, Innocent, Blood For Me! I Believe That You Are Lord And God, I Reject Sin And Self, I Confess And Repent Of My Known Sin, And I Choose To Be Obedient And To Worship You In Spirit And In Truth!


Please feel free to comment on the material posted here BUT keep it tasteful and respectful, in Christian Charity, and decidedly in keeping with the purpose for which this Blog is intended.