
Sunday, September 1, 2019

SATAN: Enemy Of Souls

To Gain Wisdom
One Must Knock At The Door!

Enemy Of Souls
Was Boldly Publicly, Masterfully, Selling ... For Free
Cloudy Discernment
Weakened Efficiency
To The People Of The Living God
For A One-Time Donation Of A Tithe
A Tenth Of One-Percent Of Self
He Was Literally Making A Killing
For His Efforts
Was "Enjoying" The High Life In Low Down!

What He Wasn't Telling His Customers Was That
All He Truly Needed Was 
Their Free-Will Donation Of A Lil' Self To Him
He Would Then Have All Of Self On Lock-Down
The End Result Would Be That He ... Effectively 
- Or So He Gratuitously Promoted 
To His Henchmen In The Know -
Would Have The Whole Living Kingdom Come In Us
Come Pancaking Down To Hell's Hot Floor!

An Always Open Door!

Open Your Eyes ...

Self-Confidence Is An Amazing Thing!
Self-Deception Is An Amazing Thing, Too
Setting Yourself Up ... Against Your Creator
Necessitates The Acquisition Of Ball
Bearings Slick Enough
Strong Enough
Big Enough
Powerful Enough 
To Unseat Way-Maker From Eternity's Throne
Built Out Of Everlasting Love
Where Grace And Mercy
Are That Divinity's Working Hands!

Flawed ...

Enemy Of Souls Is Not A Kingdom Builder!
Enemy Of Souls Is A Known God-Fraud
He Is That One Who Writes 
The Often Egregiously Bad, Mind-Blowing
Deceptively Simple
Glowingly Amazing
Fantastically Heart-Warming
Wayward-Way Walking Songs That
The Whole World Sings!

He Informs, Reminds, Tells
Convinces People Unwary, Unwise
Greedy For Gain
Looking For A Break
That He Is The Man Of The Hour
All Day, Every Day
In All Ways!
He's The False-God Called Santa Claus!

He Has A Real Huge Problem, Though!
Way Maker Loves The Race Called Man
He Sacrificed Himself
So That Before The Father, The Ancient Of Days
They, Repentant, Reformed, Redeemed ... Clean
May In Humility
Welcomed, Unafraid, Stand!

No Profit In Short Memory ...

Way Maker Knows Enemy Of Souls
Better Than Enemy Of Souls Knows Himself:

He Created Him And Named Him Light Bringer
The Now-Enemy Of Souls Wanted, Wants
His Maker's Position, Power, Praise, And Glory
His Inside Track In The Counsels Of The Father
He Had No Intention Of Taking "No"!
For The Jeopardy Final Answer!

Enemy Of Souls Incubated Pride, Lust
And Greed
And Hate
Started The War ... In Heaven!

It Did Not End Well For Him
Nor For Those To Whom He Lied!
They Were All Cast Out Of Heaven
Down To Earth
Lo, And Behold
Engaged The Sense Of Self
Got Woman, Got Man
To Indulge Flesh
To Seek The Pride That Always Takes Life
And Regrettably

Hell-Bound Became The Standard Of Life
For Man
- Sinning Man -
Living Upon The Cursed For His Sake, Earth!

God's Free Mercy Streams ...

Heaven Came Down
By Word
By Deed
For The Redemption Of The Race
Way Maker ... By The Sweet Spirit
- Truth -
Inspired Holy Men, Willing
To Write The Basics
The Instructions
Necessary To Be Followed
Man Desired ... In Peace
With Blessings Abundant
To Leave Earth For Glory!

The Basics Are
Clear, Concise, Correct, Complete
Tell The Who, What, When, Where, Why
And How
If, But, And And
For Blessing Or Cursing
According To Personal, Uncoerced, Choice 
By Free Will!

Heaven Won't Make Your Decision
Hell Can't Force Your Decision!
Whatever You Choose
The Final Outcome Is All At You!

Enemy Of Souls Is Raging
Like A Roaring Lion
Shooting Darts Like A Fiery Dragon
Like A Heel-Biting, Side-Winding, Snake!

He Also Ministers The Basics Corruptly!
He Makes People Sick To Heal Them
He Manipulates The Weather Actively

To Cause Man To Indulge Doubt Of
Way Maker's Sacrificial, Perfect, Love For Them! 

He Gladly, Slickly, Boldly, Inspires Doubt
Encourages Gainsaying!
Instigates Worry!
Spins Hate!
Corrupts Love!
Purveys Wastefulness!
Destroys Minds
Employs Fools
Those Who Say That There Is No God
And, Obviously No Creator
No Judge
No Adversary
No Savior
No Eternity
No Heaven
No Hell.


I Could Go On Indefinitely
Why Bother!

Enemy Of Souls ... Satan, Bold
Desires Our Death And Eternal Destruction!
Way Maker ... Jesus Christ The Lord
Desires To Give Us Life, Now, Abundantly
And Later
Eternal Life In His Glory!

Enemy Of Souls ... Satan
Deceitfully Says That
There Is No Victory Over Sin
That We Shall Be Sinning Until Jesus Christ Comes!

Way Maker ... Jesus Christ The Lord
Truthfully Says That
Victory Over Sin
Accomplished With His Help
Via The Agency Of The Sweet Holy Spirit Of Truth
Who Speaks, Guides, Chides
Blesses Us To Bless The Lord
With Our Willing Obedience!

Be Wise Unto Salvation ...

Enemy Of Souls ... Satan
A Fallen Star
A Bringer Of Darkness
An Eternally Doomed Entity
A Truly Lost Cause!

Way Maker ... Jesus Christ The Lord
Our Only Hope
The Savior Of Man
The King Of Glory
He Shall Reign Forever!

Boldly Attach Your Finite Life
To The One Who Lives Forever
Be Eternally Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. The Blessings Of The Lord Make Us Rich Without Any Attached Sorrow: Perfect Peace Is Included!


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