
Monday, October 7, 2019

CHOOSE LIFE: Do Not Follow The Multitude!

Sin, Pride, Passion
Envy, Jealousy
Are Evils ... Children Of Natural Heart
There Are More Of Them
Than You Can Wave A Stick At
If You Are Not Careful 
- Attentive, Vigilant -
Your Desire For Truth
For Right Living
They Boldly, Brazenly, Blisteringly
Venomously Attack!
They'll Stab In Your Front And Back!

Brethren, Beloved
This Is A Fact!

Case In Point ...

Mild-Mannered Marley
Wise Wendy
Handy Heather
Outta Bounds
Were Standing On Sound Ground
On The Issue Of The Lord's Truth
Practiced Sin, Deadly Pride
Runway Passion
Simmering Hatred
- That Noted Proud Handler Of Hell Hound -
Had A Thing Or Two To Say To
Actually About Them
Regarding Their Sissified Manners
Jelly-Fish Ways
In Their Approach To Temporal Prosperity
Gaining The Gilt Of The World!

Wise Wendy Replied:

You Mean Guilt!
We Don't Need It
And Have No Desire To Attain It!
We Have Committed To Wood ...!

... You Idiot ...!

... To Daily, With The Lord Christ
Faithfully, Enduringly
For Love, With Hope ... In Faith
Bear Our Cross!

What A Bunch Of Saps! 

Anybody Got A Match!
Wood Burns So Pretty
Smells So Nice
And For Keeping One Warm
It Is A Special Delight!

By Now
You Should Be Able To Tell That
There Is A Warfare
- Team Heaven Against Team Hell -
Just So That You Would Know
Team Hell Isssss Not Above Utilizing
Wizards That Peep
Supposedly Against Lord Christ's Faithful
To Cast What They Call Spells!

They Think They Are Ohhh, Sooo Deeeep!

In Their Milieu
Spells Are A Big Sell
Well ... They Were A Bunch Of Disobedient
Dissatisfied, Malevolent
Malicious, Maleficent
Wayward, Wandering, Stars
Allegedly Doing "Them Christians" A Favor
By Putting Gasoline In Known Diesel Cars!

You Should Know That For Their Machinations
There's Always The Morning After The Day Before Crisis-Call!

They Never Learn! 

They Always, Always, Always
Almighty God's Truth Spurn
Unless ... 
You Can Separate Them From Sordid Self
Catching Them Off-Side
Shining Living Light
In Places Dark And Tight!
Did Someone Say Fight Night!?!

Long Story Short ...

One Day
Vaunted Pride, Runaway Passion
Selfie Self
That Glutton For Punishment
Went After Wise Wendy
Things Got Ugly Real Fast!

Vaunted Pride Cut To The Chase
Are Ungrammaticaly Asked Wise Wendy:

Why You Here!?!

Looking Immensely Cheered
Wise Wendy's Response Was Straight Out Of Left Field!

I'm So Glad You Asked!
With Me, Please Bear!
If It Were Possible
I'd Offer You A Chair
But Since We're Standing
I Will Accept Your Ear:

There Are Pillars In The Christian's Life
Made To Be Personally Used
And I, Being Amongst The Faithful Few
Have Purposed That I Will Not
Their Strength And Power Refuse!

My Existence ... My Life ... Is No Accident!
The Lord Placed Me Here For A Purpose
And I Am Determined My Lord To Serve
So That I Will Not Receive
What Satan And Unrepentant Sinners Earn!

Number One:
Having A Working Conscience
Activated By The Spirit Of Truth 
And Utilized By Me Is A Blessing!

Number Two:
I've Got A Job To Do For My Soul And My God The Eternal One
So I'm Not Wasting Time With Satan The God-Fraud!
You Need To Accept The Free Clue!

Number Three:
The Word Of God Is A Shield For Us
So You Need To Follow The Word Of God
And The Power Of God Will Strengthen You
To Wisely Do His Will!
Bend ... Don't Burn!
From Sin And Self Turn!

I Could Enter Into Controversy With You
But I Will Not!
I Could Follow Your Lead
And Experience The Holy God's Blot
But I Shall Be Wise Unto Salvation!

I Shall Walk Wise!
I Shall Perform In Wise Ways
And I Shall Follow The Great Lord Of Creation
Into The Life Of Eternal Days!

Look To Save Your Own Soul
And Stop Running To Sin
And Being About It So Bold!

Be Warned!

Vengeance Is Mine!
I Shall Repay, Saith The Lord.

The Lord Does Not Abide Sin
And Being Jealous For His Character
His Word ... His Name
He Does Not Ever Play!

The Lord's Vengeance Is Served Cold
Upon Those Not Caring About The Save-My-Soul Goal
And Willfully Running Wild And Free Outside The Safe Fold!

Is Your Purpose To Lose Your Purchased Soul
For That Which Is Not Bread
For That Which Is Not Imperishable
Aka The Eternal Goal!?!

The Silence That Followed Was Palpable!


If Looks Could Kill
Wise Wendy Would Have Been Laid Out Cold!

Vaunted Pride ... Crudely Prideful
Selfie Self ... Sincerely Selfish
Runaway Passion ... Passionately Vile
All Literally Spat On Wise Wendy
Kicked Dirt On Her Shoes
Blew Acrid Smoke In Her Face 
As They ... Disdaining Truth ... Departed!

Take Warning ...

Salvation Is Not A Gift To Despise!
Running Wild Does Not Protect From Lies!
Following Fools
The Lord Of Grace And Glory To Deny
Shall See All The Unrepentant Sinners
Death, Hell, Sin And Satan
His Fallen Angels
In The Lake Burning With Fire And Brimstone

The Lord Does Not Save Cliques
Countries, Campuses, Nor Congregations!
The Lord Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Creator ... The Savior
The Redeemer ... The King
Saves Individuals
Woman, Child, Man!
He's The Son Of Man!
You're Fallen Man!
Reach For The Outstretched Hand
That Guides To The Heavenly Land!

Do Not Follow Fashion
Do Not Follow The Multitude
To Despise Your Sure Inheritance
To Denigrate Your Purchased Gift
Eternal Life!
If You Do
You Will Not Survive
The Carnal Strife!
Take Jesus
Have The Eternally-Good Life!

1 comment:

  1. By Almighty God's Great Grace, I Shall Not Permit Anyone To Kill My Hope-In-Jesus Tree!


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