
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stop Betraying The Lord Christ!

Situationally Ethical 
A Christian
Supposedly Committed And Caring!
Situationally Ethical 

A Christian
Obviously Lacking In Daring!

Situationally Ethical ... The Christian
Has No Problem With Sharing
Sees No Problem With His Standard Of Living Paring
Seriously Has A Problem
When It Comes His Neck To Baring
To The Sharp Words
The Knife Cuts Of Malicious Gossip
The Tar Balls Of Lies And Snide Innuendo
Known Thrown Up Against
Those Committed Completely To The Lord Christ
Thrown At The Heads Of Those
Who Despise The Demonic Device
The Presumptuous Sin
The Heaven-Daring Deviltry

The Dogmatic Denials Of
Those Who Refuse To Honor The God Of Creation
The Very God Holy
Who Gives Unto Us Daily Living
Who Promises For Our Faithful, Obedient, Endurance
His Very Own Eternal Life!


Will Have Substantial Reasons For Thanksgiving!

That's The Big Stuff
It's The Little Things Cultivated
That Grow
That Mature
That We Shall Here Address ...

Well, Well, Well!
Look At Who Just Walked Through The Door!
Mr. Committed Christian
Who Regularly Sells Out To Sin
For An Extra Five Cents
Thinking ... Believing
That The Living God
Will Not Desire Recompense!

Good Morning, Mr. Ethical!

Good Morning, Lil' Berry!
Have You Got Anything For Me Today!?!
I've Got Me A Cake That 

Needs Topping Off With A Plump Cherry!

This Here Mr. Ethical
Has No Problem Speaking Through A Fork!
That's How His Tongue Got Split!
He Speaks Christian In The Light
Lives As A Sinner In The Dark
Loves The Lord On The Surface
Sleeps With The Devil
In Thoughts, Words And Deeds!

It's Always About His Needs!

He Is A Shark In The Dolphin Clan!

Please Permit Me 
To Personally Cut To The Chase:

This Person So Upright, Uptight

A Known Fence Jockey!
His Measure When It Comes To The Master's Ways
If It Is Possible A that He Will Reap A Little Berry!

If Profit Is Promised
Light Can Turn To Dark!
If Profit Is Possible
Bitter Can Become Sweet!
If Profit Is Sharing Its Aroma
Truth Can Be Cast Down Into The Street
Mr. Situationally Ethical ... The Christian
Who Is A Mere Professor
No Where Near A Possessor Of 

The Traits Of Character Of Jesus Christ The Lord
Has Conveniently Forgotten That 

The Law Of The Lord Is Perfect
Having No Chinks
No Cracks
No Rust
Rejecting All Shadow Of Turning
For Certain Sure
Has No Possibility Of Ever
With The Deceitful One

Chew On This ...

Committed Christians
Don't Follow The World!
They Don't Kiss The Devil's Ring!
They Don't Bow Before The Idols
For Certain Sure
They Done Sell Out The Savior
For The Convenience Of Carrying A Bulging Purse
That Only Holds Earth-Bound Gold!

The Christian In Name Only

Saved On ... By ... Church Donation Paper Only
Walks On The Earthly Stage Only
Will Receive For His Earned Reward
That Which Was Designed 

For The Devil And His Angels Only!

Brethren, Beloved

Don't Settle For Carrying Gold In A Purse!
Lift Up Your Gaze
Choose To "Settle" ForWalking On Streets Of Gold:
Now, That's The "Ticket"
In The Perfect World
Prepared For The Enduring Faithful
Who Do Not Sell Out To Sin
To Get The "Gains" Out Of A Curse!

Please Stop Betraying The Lord Christ!
What The Lord Has For His Known-Children
Infinitely Far Beyond 
What Anyone On Earth Would Call "Niiiceee!"
Don't Fall For The Demonic Device!

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