
Saturday, October 19, 2019


I Had The Right To Do It!
I Was Justified!

Hold Up, Baby Girl!
Just So You Know
You See That Justified Business
It Has An IED At The End!

Who Cares!?!
IED, LED, Whatever!

You May Want To Rethink That, Luv!

Why Should I!?!

Do You Even Know What An IED Is!?!

Don't Know, Don't Care!

Would You Care To Sit With Me For A Moment!?!

If You Insist!

I Do!

Very Well!

Sweet Girl,
An IED Is An Improvised Explosive Device
When It Is Triggered
Anything And Everything
In Its Proximity Gets Ripped Apart
So You May Not Want To Indulge Being Self JustifIED!

You Can't Carry It Before The Lord!
The Holy Spirit Does Not Entertain It!
It Has No Excuse For Its Position
In Your Life
So, Please, Please, Please Discard It!

Self Justification
Like Self-Righteousness
Makes You Your Own Surety
Your Own Security
Your Own Lamb
Your Own Shepherd
Your Own High Priest
Your Own Lord
Your Own God
Your Own Provider
Your Own Sustainer
Your Own Help
Your Own Savior
Your Own Redeemer ...!

... Stop!
Enough Already!
Why Did You Have To Say All That!?!
I Was Enjoying Myself
Lording It Over That, That, Person
Who Done Wronged Me
And Whom I Enjoyed Fixing ... For Sure
And You Just Blew A Hole In My Balloon!
I Really, Really, Reallllly Want To Hate You!

Your Funeral!

But Wait A Minute!
You Talked About The IED!
What About The LED!?!

Ah, LED!
The "Let Envy Destroy" Me Light!
You Don't Want That Either!
IED Aka Inappropriate Anger
LED Aka Envy 
Are Satan's "Sweet" Treats
Disguised As Necessary Emotions
To Get Us Across Life's Ocean
Where People Won't Cooperate With Us
Have What We Deserve
Refuse To Give In To Our Desires
Just Plain Refuse To Let Us 
Lord It Over Them Like We Are Strong Towers!

Oh, My!

Nice Expression!
"My" Anger, "My" Envy
Won't Get Me On "My" Knees!
"My" Envy, "My" Anger
Places Me In Spiritual 
Physical Danger!

Oh, Dear!

Nice Expression ... Again!
How About

Oh, Dear Lord
Have Mercy On Me!
Help Me To Do Right
Even If I Am Not With It Comfy!

Be Warned ... 

There Is No Reason ... Ever ... For Envy
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Lord And Our God
- Not A Respecter Of Persons -
Provides Amply For Us All!

Anger Without A Just Cause Is Folly
Be It Found In Prince Or Paper Boy!
Anger Without A Just Cause
Leads To Hate
Leads To Murder
We All Know That No Murderer
- No Wrath-Filled Person -
Shall Enter ... Shall Enjoy
The Lord's Great Reward!

So, When Would It Be Good To Be Angry
Or Better Yet
Over What Should I Get Angry!?!

Easy Question!
Sweet Girl, Get Good And Righteously Indignant
Aka Get Angry Over ... Sin!
Don't Be Patient With It!
Don't Be Considerate Over It!
Don't Make Excuses For It!
Be Angry Over Sin
Get Thee Unto The King
Concerning All Things Which Would See You Being 
An Unredeemed Recipient Of The Curse Of The Fall! 

Thanks Kindly For The Correction: I Needed It!
Satan Earned His Reward
But I Shall Take Heed To Be Repentant And Wise
And I'll Be Waiting ... In Faith ... With Peace
When Jesus Christ Comes Back To This Blue Ball!

That's Great, Beloved!
Let Us With The Gentle Jesus Stand Tall!
Unrestrained, Unfocused, Anger
Over Anything That Is Not Known Sin
Creates Nothing But Bitter Gall! 
It Is Not Sweet
It Only Leads To Poor Health
Spiritual Defeat!

From That Position 
I Shall Beat A Hasty Retreat!!

Thank You, Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Get Good And Angry About What Truly Matters: Help Me To Get Angry Over Sin And To Choose To Repair Unto My Lord Christ, With A Repentant Spirit, So That I May Be Cleansed, Blessed And Saved!


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