
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

WUH YUH GINE DO: Jealous Envious Rebellion

JER Was Very Specific:

Call Me JER!
Not Jer! JER!
And Be Quick About It!

Talk About Pride!

What Has He Got To Be Proud About!?!
That Je ... Ooops, JER Is A Straight-Up Menace!

How So!?!
I Thought He Was Just Overbearing!

No, My Friend!
That JER ... Properly Identified By His Own Mother
Jealous Envious Rebellion!

Who In The Name Of All That's Holy
Calls A Child Jealous Envious Rebellion!?!

His Dear Olde Mumsy, Rap Scallion!

Let Me Guess!
His Father's Name Is Devilish Discontent!

Close  ... But No Candy Bar!

His Dear Old Dad Is None Other Than
Divide N. Conquer
Barber To The Stars
Willful, Wayward
Definitely Unwise!


That's Quite An Indictment!

It's Well Earned And Wantonly Displayed
A Decided Menance
To All Who Desire ... In Spades
From Known-Sin To Escape!

Okay! Let's Have It!
I Can Feel A Needed Lesson Coming On ...!

... And You, Beloved, Would Be Right!


Our Name Is Our Character!
Our Character Is Our Name!
One Cannot Be Separated From The Other
So, Please, Do Not Live Your Life In Vain!

No Man Is An Island!
No Human Walks This Earth Alone!
We Sin By Thought
By Word
By Deed
If It Is Our Desire To Be Saved From Self
From Sin ... From Sinning
We Must The Words Of The Living God Heed!

A Word To The Wise ...

What You Do Not Only Impacts You
It Impacts Many Others
Many Seen And Known
Many More Unseen And Unknown! 

Who Is The Most Notorious Sinner
In The History Of Almighty God's Creation!?!

That's Easy!
That Would Be His Nibs
His Presumptuousness
Olde Satan Fka Lucifer, Himself!

Satan's Sin Started War In Heaven
Destroyed Myriads Of Angels
Caused Eve And Adam To Disobey

Caused Us To Be Born In Sin
Caused Cain To Kill His Brother, Abel
Causes Us To Sin
Caused Jesus Christ's Death! 
Remember, Now, One Sinner!

Jesus Christ The Righteous
- Being The Only One Good - 
Has Given Us Life! 
Hold That Thought Close In Your Heart!

Sinning Impacts All Beholders Negatively 
Damns The Doer! 
Doing Good Impacts Us All Positively 
Blesses The Doer
The Beholders 
The Receivers ...! 

... Don't Forget The Hearers In The Future!

Good Point!

The Good That We Do Lives After Us!

The Evil That We Do Lives After Us!


Thinking Back To What The Lord Has Said
About Sinning By Word, Thought And Deed
We Truly Need A Heart-Transplant
A Thought-Pattern Adjustment
We Need To Make Our Walking-Wise Stick
The Living, Holy, Infallible, Word
As Spoken, Recorded, Preserved
Through The Ministrations Of The Holy Spirit Of God!

From The Womb To The Tomb
Man Is Doomed
Unless And Until He
Accepting The Call Of The Master
Reaches For The Extended Hand
Chooses ... Free-Willed
To Walk As Jesus Christ Walked!

Repentance Is Good For All Souls!

The JER One's Of This World
Seriously Need To Buy The Free Clue
Or They Shall Pay The Ultimate Price
For Their Practiced And Promulgated Rebellion
Which We Well Know Shall Lead Many  
To Hell ... No Undoing! 

Your Watch-Word ... Always ... Shall Be:

Think Before You Act!
Pray Before You Display!

Wuh Yuh Gine Do ...

We Have Free Will 
So Let's Each Ask Ourselves
The Simple Questions:

Am I Choosing To Live For Self Or The Lord!?! 
Will Someone Be Blessed By My Life Today!?!
Am I Striving For The Eternal Reward!?!

I Appeal To Us All
To Consciously Think On Jesus Christ ... All Day
In All Ways
Be Blessed To Be A Blessing Always!

Remember ...

Heaven Awaits The Obedient
The Faithful
The Righteous
The Enduring
Aka The People Of Almighty God And Christ!

May The Holy Angels Protect Us
Influence Us To Do The Good And The Right
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Guide And Chide Us
Lead Us Into All Truth
So That We Will Our Savior, Lord, God And King
Bless And Completely Delight!


1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ, Our Only Savior, Lived To Serve, And Died To Save! Help Us, Dear Father, To Think Of Others In All That We Think, Do And Say! Help Us To Die To Self, And Live For Our Lord And To Serve Others!


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