
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

B.C.W.: The Packaged Deal

Eat The Bread!
Make The Connection
Witness To The World!
This, Brethren
Your Employment
When You Choose To Walk With The Lord!

The Bread ...

The Bread Is The Word Of God
Pure, Clean And True!
It Satisfies The Hungering Soul
Always Blesses You!
That's Bible Truth!

The Connection ...

The Connection Is Your Communication
Your Prayers To The Lord
Honest, Heartfelt, Willing!
They Take You Up To The Lord Of Life
Your Urge To Sin They Are Killing!

The Witness ...

The Witness ... Your Witness To The World
Tells The Good News To Friends And Others!
It Tells Of What The Lord Has Done For You!
It Encourages Them To Take That Holy Hand
So That They Will Be Blessed Also
It Also Helps You In Your Walk Of Faith To Grow!

When We Eat Bread Of Life
We Taste And Chew And Savor!
What We Savor, We Swallow!
What We Swallow, We Digest!
What We Digest, We Are Nurtured Thereby


Because The Word Speaks Of Confession And Repentance
We Must Do Our Due Diligence
Dig Up And Cast Out The Dead Works
Fill Up On More Of What Gives Real Life
So That We, Fortified, May Win 
Aka Emerge Victorious
In The Mortal Strife!

When We Pray
We Acknowledge Jesus Christ As Lord And King
Creator, Redeemer, Hope, Help
Savior ... Everything
Trusting The Love That Will Not Let Us Go
We Bind Ourselves To Him Who Paid Our Price
In So Doing
We Give Short Shrift To Him Of The Demonic Device!

When We Witness To The World
We Cement Our Own Faith
We Give Strength To The Word That
The Lord Of Life Took Our Disgrace
Blessed Us And Cleaned Us
Clothed Us Anew
Has Taken Us Into His Dwelling
Where All Enduring Residents 
Are Grace-Filled, Heart-Holy 
Loving, Kind And Ever True!

Full Disclosure
Is The Way Of The Lord ...

Real Christians Will Really Suffer: Expect Suffering!
The Light Afflictions That We Suffer Are Appointed By The Lord 
Are For Our Eternal Good 
For His Glory
Should Be Patiently Borne 
The Lord Glorious
Has Promised To Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us
He Has Given Unto Us The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
For Our Personal, Physical, And Spiritual Comfort! 
We Will Grow In Grace
So That We Shall, In Peace, See His Lovely Face!

The Same Cannot Be Said For Those Given Over To Evil 
Who Shall See Themselves In Desolation
Ruined ... Alone
Bereft Of Any Comfort For Their Wayward Souls!
They Shall Never Know 
The Peace That Pervades The Heavenly Home!

Understand And Accept This ...

Afflictions Point Us To The Word 
Keep Us From Straying! 
Trust The Lord ... Wholly!
Take His Holy Hand ... Solely! 
Glory Awaits The Faithful ... Surely! 

In Jesus Christ
Our Perfect Peace!

1 comment:

  1. The Word Of The Lord Is Stronger Than Any Two-Edged Sword And Always, Always, Finds Its Mark: Thank You, Lord, For The Blessing!


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