
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Constant Praying Is A Necessity + PRAYER: Father, Make Me To Be Like You!

Every Man, Woman, Child Has An Adversary
The Bold Enemy
Who Wants To Pounce On Us
When We Don't Say Grace Before And After Meals
When We Go To Bed
When We Arise From Sleep
When We Receive A Blessing 
When We Desire A Blessing 
When We Are In Fear
When We Have Overwhelming Care
When We Desire Leading
When We Are Saved From A Distress 
When We Have Sin To Confess
When We Need To Bless God For His Dear Grace
When We Receive The Daily Gift Of Faith ...!

... Yes, Yes, Yes, I Hear All That!
What's Your Point!?!

The Point Is That Satan Is Ready, Willing
Well Able To Destroy Anyone One Of Us
Who Thinks ... Believes ... That
He Can Walk This World Alone
Without Certain Comfort ... Aid 
From Him Who Lovingly Made Us!


Is That All You're Going To Say!?!


come On Now!
What's Wrong With You!?!


Why Do You Say That!



Sorry! I Don't Know!
I Feel Off-Center!

Have You Been Doing Your
Forgetting That Without Christ Jesus
There's No You For You To Do!?!


Having You Been Praying!?!
For Yourself!?!


Have You Lost Your Mind!?!


Well You'd Better Hurry Up
Find It Real Fast!


No Christian Can Or Will 
Survive The Mortal Strife
The Warfare For Eternal Life
They Do Not Have A Private, Personal, Prayer Life! 
Your Prayer Life Must Also Include You
Must Not Just Be For Others!

Without Constant, Personal, Prayer-Communication
With The Lord Christ 
We Are Nothing But Cannon Fodder
For Satan's Big Guns To Destroy!

I Don't Feel Good Always Begging God For Things!

If You Don't Go To The Father
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
Who Do You Believe 
Is Going To Provide For You
Protect You
Direct You 
Correct You On The Pilgrim's Way!? 

No One!

How Often Do You Say
"Thank You, Father!" 
For The Daily Gifts Of Love That 
You Unfailingly Receive!?! 

Honest Answer Or Diplomatic!?! 

Not A Tactic Recognized In The Realm Of Prayer! 

Then The Truth Is Not Often Enough! 

We Could All Say "Thank You, Father!" 
More Often! 

You Know, 
We Don't Know How To Pray As We Ought!
The Bible Says That
It Also Says That The Holy Spirit 
Interprets Our Prayers
With Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered! 

Jesus Christ Presents Our Prayers To The Father
Perfumed By His Merit 
As Though The Prayer Is His Own! 

We Are Blessed!


Did Not Jesus Ask Us 
To Cast Our Every Care On Him
To Be Instant And Constant In Prayer
To Pray Without Ceasing
To Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace
To Pray In His Name To The Father 
In Faith ... Nothing Wavering
To Believe He Is Able To Give Us What We Desire
To Have Faith
To Trust Him At His Word 
To Enduringly Obey!?! 

A Thousand Times, "Yes!"

Even Though Jesus Christ 
The Only Begotten Son Of The Eternal God
In His Human Incarnation
He Deeply Felt The Need To Pray 
To Constantly Communicate With His Father! 


Need As In I Can't Stand By Myself And Prosper! 
Need As In I Feel Strong When You Are Near! 
Need As In You Are My Salvation! 

Wow! I Didn't Consider That! 

Most People Don't Either! 

Jesus Prayed For Strength
For The Bitter Cup
Separation From The Father
To Be Removed 
He Also Prayed For The Father's Will 
To Be Done By His Willing Obedience 
Even Unto Death
The Cruel Death On Calvary's Rugged Cross! 
He Also Prayed For Us, You And Me! 

Lacey, We Show Faith In
Reliance Upon The Lord
When We Step Out In Our Gift Of Daily Faith
Accepting The Blood Stained, Personal, Invitation
To Make Our Supplications ... With Thanksgiving
Unto God Almighty! 

Trust The Promises Given
Know That We Cannot Wear Out The Lord! 
We Can't Stop The Living God From Giving
- Blessing, Healing, Sealing
Leading, Feeding, Revealing -
His Good And Perfect Gifts! 

You Are Not Bigger Than Your Creator
So, Humble Yourself ... And Pray 
Plead, Beseech, Supplicate ... Beg! 
The Eternal God Doesn't Sleep
Doesn't Play Favorites 
His Storehouses Can Never Run Out Of Stock!
You Are Always First In Line! 

Bend ... Humble Yourself
He Will Lift You Up Mightily! 
Willingly Express Your Need For His Favor!

Thank ... Thank You For Your Kindness! 
I've Been Exceedingly Foolish! 

The Lord Loves Me More Than I Love Myself
And He Promises Never To Leave Me
Nor Forsake Me
And I Do Know That
Everything About Me Concerns Him! 



I Am Sorry! 
Forgive Me, I Pray! 
I Have Been Very Foolish
Giving Satan Room In My Life
Unopposed To Play! 

I Have No Excuse, Lord! 
I Cannot Say I Was Not Thinking! 
I Have Been Skimping On Praying
And My Security Blanket
Has Been Slowly Tearing!

I Have Been Depriving Myself
Your Comfort
Your Leading
Your Blessing In My Life
In Repentance
I Come Confessing My Sin
So Please Forgive Me
Fix Me
Guide Me Safely Unto Your Eternal Life! 

I Need You, Dear Lord! 
Please Help Me So That The Longing For You
In My Heart Never Diminishes
But Exponentially Increases! 
Make Me To Be Like You! 
My Heart Is Pleading! 
I Love You! 

1 comment:

  1. By Reading The Living Word And Uttering Humble Prayers,I've Discovered The Fount Of Blessing In Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life!


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