
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Word Of Almighty God Speaks Life!

There Is No One Who Reads
Who Hears The Word Of God 
That Can Honestly Say That 
They Are Unaffected By It! 
We Either Love The Word Or Hate It! 

Whether We Accept The Living Word
Or Reject The Saving Word Of Truth
Good In All Ages And Stages Of Human Life
All Flesh ... Living Or Dead
Will Be Judged 
By The Holy Word Which Speaks Life 
Testifies Of The Character
The Faithfulness
The Holiness
The Creative Power
The Sacrificial Love Of Christ Jesus! 

We Have Free Will
We Have Free Choice
So Let's Choose ... For Love
With Certain Hope
To Use The Living Word 
To Grow In Grace Today!

Heaven Awaits The Faithful
Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon!
We Are Nearing Home!


Where There Is Life There Is Hope
Because I Have Life
I Have Every Reason To Hope
In The Lord Jesus Christ
My Savior, My King
The Lord Of My Life
The Reason That I Can Sing:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I, My Cross Have Taken!
Please Be With Me So That I, By Sin
For Self
Be Not Shaken By Conflict
Stirred By Denial
Overwhelmed By Trial
Nor Overcome By Belial!

I Love You, My Master

My Creator, My Friend
My Hope, Help, Salvation
My God Eternal
Whose Love Knows No End!

I Beseech You, My Father

Please Help Me To You To Ever Draw Near
By Reading The Living Word
And Getting Close To You In Humble Prayer!

Thank You For The Myriad Gifts Of Love

Multitudes About Which I Know Nothing!
Thank You For Thinking Of Me
And Giving Me A Heart That Beats 
In Joyous Anticipation
Of One Blessed Day
Face To Face Seeing Thee!

I Am Thanking You!

I Am Blessing You!
I Am Giving Grateful Praise
And I, By Grace, Am Telling The Good News
That You Are Soon Coming:
I Look Forward, In Your Presence
To Taking My Rightful Place
A Blessed Gift From You
Whose Heart Is True!

I Am Striving!

I Am Walking!
I Am Working!
I Am Watching!
I Desire In You To Be Wise!
Please Help Me, Savior Beloved
To Not Ever Fall For Satan's Obvious Lies!

Thank You, Father

For Hearing
And Answering The Prayer Of Faith
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
That I Humbly Pray And Plead!


  1. I Have Found My Quiet Place Of Rest, Near To The Heart Of Jesus Christ The Lord!

  2. Thank you LORD, for your love and your peace. FATHER, CAN YOU HEAR US? We need a WORD FROM YOU. Guide us and direct us in the way that you want us to go, say what you want us to say and do what you sent us to do.
    The answer is YES, for you hear every word that we say, and you see every tear that we shed. FOR FATHER, YES YOU HEAR US. FATHER, THANK YOU.

  3. GM Saints of the Highest GOD I just want to say thank you to the who wrote this BEAUTIFUL Literature. I don't if it's a song or poem it TOUCHED me the moment I read it πŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ’ͺ🏾Thank You So MUCH
    πŸ™‚ ❤ πŸ™πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½


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