
Saturday, November 23, 2019


Will Vacillate Is A Proud Boy
Pleased To Be So, Thank You Very Much
And ... No Surprise
He Has A Boat-Load Of Friends!

Today ... A Beautiful Day
If I Do Say So Myself
He Has Set His Sights On
Percival Ignatius Barnes' Second To Last Boy Child
James Adolphus
Who, To All Intents And Purposes ... Apparently
Easy Pickings!

Will Vacillate Is A Born Liar
He Tries To Make People Believe That
He Is Able To Read Their Minds
By So Doing
Can Unerringly Tell Them Their Future
That Without Fail!
His Business Is Doing A Brisk Trade!

Oh, That Men Would Fear God
Pray Always!

Let Me Tell You Plainly That
Percival Ignatius Barnes Ain't Never Raise 
No Idiot Children
Nor Any Who Would Permit Themselves
To Be Run 'N Boarded Like One Of
Miss Rock Old Wooden Buses!

Percival Ignatius Barnes Raised All Of His Baker Dozen
By The Good Book
By The Tam'rind Road
On Humble, Heartfelt, Prayer
With Three Squares A Day
A Warm Spot On A Cot
A Sincere Appreciation For

"Hard Ears You Won't Hear
Then, Own-Way
You're Going To Feel ... Pain!"

He Ain't Never Had To Teach 
Not One Of His Ten Sons And Three Daughters
Any Lesson A Third Time
For This Alone
You Should Know That Not One Of Them Is A Show-Pony!

Will Vacillate Assumed
- Just Like Putrid Pride And Trendy Prevaricate -
That James Adolphus Was A Push-Over
Nice And Pliable
As I Said Before
Easy Pickings!

Somebody Please Cue A Violin!

Will Vacillate ... On This Beautiful Day
Strung Out On Grand Delusions 
Has Taken Up The Prime Position
Between Christian Principle 
Natural Inclination!

He Is Ardently Downplaying ... Even Denying
Wholesome Christian Principle
Decidedly Elevating, Stroking, Natural Inclination
Hopeful Of Getting A Rise Out Of Daddy Barnes Boy Child! 
He Was Successful
Maybe, Sorta Like ... Not! 

What He Does Not Know Is That 
Every Last Barnes Child
A Praying Child
Who Is Not Reliant Upon Their Parents' Prayers 
For Protection! 

For His Effrontery 
Will Vacillate Ended Up With Ringing Ears
Clammy Hands
Heart Palpitations
Watery Eyes! 
He Later Actually Stated That 
He Thought He Would Die! 

James Adolphus Barnes
Has An Intimate Relationship
With His Personal Savior
The Lord Jesus Christ 
The Righteous One 
He Does Not Let Grass Grow Under His Feet!
He Is Saved By Almighty God's Great Grace
He Has A Real Working Faith
His Daily Gift From His Lord
Which He Refuses To Let Go To Waste! 

You Should Hear Him Preach! 

Beloved ... You Are Beloved
And So Am I! 
Jesus Christ Is Our Only Savior 
Only Master
Only Lord, God And King
And He Has Given Unto Us ... You And Me
Great And Precious Promises 
And He Invites Us
To Ask For What He Is Freely Offering 
To Seek Him While He Is Able To Be Found
And To Knock On His Door Of Mercy
His Door Of Grace
At His House Of Blessing
Where All On Offer Is Good, Good, Very Good! 

Now Hear Him Speaking To Will Vascillate:

Will Vascillate,
You Sincerely Need Christ Jesus
So That You May Be Changed
To Become Don't Vacillate! 
You Need To Stop Preying On People's Weaknesses
And You Sincerely Need 
To Start Praying For Them To Walk Right
And You Need To Start And Continue
Vehemently Denying Natural Inclination
This Low Rider Who Drags Out The Worst In Frail Mankind! 

How About Adding Something Beneficial
Something Healthful
Like Prayers, Praise, Worship 
Exercised Faith
And Denying Doubt And Sin
Self And Satan
And Encouraging Yourself And Others 
To Run With Endurance
To The Savior Of Every Man! 

Isn't It Time You Stop Destroying 
The Master's Inheritance 
And Start Sowing The Good Seed With Him! ?!

Repent, You Sinner! 
Confess Your Sin! 
Turn Away From Known Sin
And Quit Your Job With Your Base Employer
And Whole-Heartedly Turn
To Jesus Christ Who Always, Always, Saves! 

I Am James Adolphus Barnes! 
I Am A Committed Christ Follower
And I Have From Known Sin Turned Away
And I Am Daily Reminded ... By The Likes Of You
That I Know That I Know That I Need Christ Jesus! 

Hear Me Well!
What I Do Not Need, You Bounder
Is Another Way To Sin Against The Holy God
To Lie To My Self
To Make Excuses For The Lust Of My Lying Eye
The Lust Of My Carnal Flesh
And The Pride Of This Dying Life
And Another Way To Taint My Soul
And Allow Your Damned-Forever Boss
That Devourer ... Our Known Adversary
Against The Holy Jesus
To Triumphantly Gloat 
To Vilely Show-Boat! 

Satan Is The Liar And You Are One, Too! 
You Need Washing
Both By Water And In The Word!
You Need To Pray For The Outpouring 
And The Indwelling Of 
The Holy Spirit Who Is ... Even Now
Waiting To Bless And Change You! 

You Are Unstable And Unprofitable! 
Effective Immediately
I Am Putting A Pin In You
So That The World Will Know
That You Are Just Show
And To Urge All To Deny You Access
And To Not Permit You
Any More To Grow! 
You Are Nothing More Than A Prostitute! 
You Are Just Doubt Wrapped Up In Nice Clothes! 

It Is Safe To Say That
Will Vacillate Crosses The Road
Whenever, Wherever
He Sees James Adolphus Barnes Walking Around
He Has Learned ... The Hard Way
That The King James Bible That
James Adolphus Barnes Holds In His Hand
Is Not 
A Prop!
James Adolphus Barnes Reads His Bible
He Believes
Lives According To The 

"Thus Saith The Lord!"

All Who Fear
Actually Hold Almighty God In Godly Fear ... In Awe
Actually Also Realize And Gladly Accept That 
They Are Not Alone
Do Not Walk Alone
That They Always Have Eyes Watching 
Hands Recording 
Everything That They Say And Do! 

They Think Of Christ's Sacrifice For Them Personally! 
They Read The Living Word 
They Pray Prayers Of Faith 
For Help To Live Right
Ever Trusting The Promises Of God For Salvation! 


We Don't Have To Fall Prey 
To Satan's Wiles: He's The Known Liar! 

Choose To Willfully Trust The Lord
To Humbly Fear Before His Majesty
To Embrace His Love
To Love Him In Return
To Wisely Obey His Laws 
To Live In Peace And Joy 
In His Loving Presence! 

Vacillation In A Christian
Is Nothing About Which To Be Proud!
Read Your Bible And Pray
Have Enduring Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord!
Peace Be Upon You!

Don't Halt Between Two Opinions!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is The Word Of God: Jesus Christ Saves So The Word Of God Saves!


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