
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

CONSTERNATION: Heaven ... Or Hell

The Question Caused Consternation:

How Could You Enjoy Heaven Knowing That 
Your Loved Ones Are In Hell!?!

Almost Everybody Said That They Couldn't 
Wilhelmina Moses
Who Achily Got Up
Patting Her Broad Posterior From Her Fight With The Rheumatics
Boldly Said:

I Most Assuredly Shall Enjoy Heaven!


Sat Back Down!

Tante Kew Was Incensed And Asked Her If She Was Mad Or Ig'rant
Cast Serious Shade Upon Her Status As A Bible-Believing Christian!

Well, Let Me Tell You: "It" Was On!!

Begging Your Pardin, Tante Kew
But If ... Note My Stress
If You Are A Bible-Believing Christian
Like I Is
You Would Be Enjoying Your Time In Heaven
When We In Heaven
There Ain't One Single, Solitary, Soul
Experiencing Nuffen Called 
H E Two Sticks!!

Show Me That In The Bible And I Will Believe You! 
The Preachers Always Saying At Funerals That 
The Good Gone Straight To Heaven 
And The Bad Gone Straight To Hell ...! 

... And Dem Lying Preachers Goin' Got Nuff, Nuff To Tell The Lord
For Misleading His People By Working For Satan Aka King Fraud! 

Everybody ... Good, Bad, Wicked, Evil
All Of Them When They Died
The Breath That Caused Them To Be A Living Soul 
Went Back To The Creator God Who Gave It
And After Burial
And With The Passage Of Time
Their Bodies Return To The Dust From Which It Came! 
They Know Nothing
See Nothing 
Feel Nothing! 
They Are At Rest
Not Having Any Reward
For Works Done In The Flesh
Jesus Christ The King, The Judge
Has Not Had His Second Coming As Yet
In Which He BRINGS His Rewards
With Him! 

You Could Have Heard A Pin Drop!

Said Sister Moses:

If We Do Not Know The True State Of The Dead For Ourselves
We Will Fall For The Great Deception To Come
When Persons Of Power
And Even Those Whom We Have Known And Loved
Will Appear Sounding, Smelling, Looking, Interacting With Us
As When They Were Really Alive
And Will Lead Those 
Who Do Not Love The Truth Of Almighty God
To Soul Damnation!

The Dead Know Nothing


Almighty God Is Not A Liar
Nor Is He Fickle Or Unstable!

What He Says, He Means
And No Two-Foot Snake 
Can Change The Word Of God Into A Lie!
Open Your Bible
And Pray
And Ask The Lord
By His Sweet Spirit
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Lead You Into All Truth!
He Is Willing And More Than Able!

Tante Kew Started To Cry
Started To Sing

By And By 
When The Morning Come
All The Saints Shall Be Gathered
We Shall Tell The Story
How We Overcome 
We'll Understand It Better
By And By!

Priscilla Pat-Pat Shouted:

Thank You, Jesus!


Dani-Frank Clapped Her Hands And Shouted:

Praise God From Whom All, All
All 'O Dem Good Blessings Come!
Thank You, Lord
For Shedding Light Inna Dark Place!

Macey Grace Walked To The Altar
Reminding All That Almighty God's Free Grace 
Free At The Throne Of Grace, 

Thy Wisdom, Oh, Lord
The Treasure Most Precious!
Thy Love, Oh, Lord
Can Never Be Exhausted By Man!
Thy Truth, Oh, Lord, Most Holy 
Truth For The Always Present Day
In The Name Of Christ Jesus
I Thank You For Light
For Hearing And Answering 
This Needy Child's Humble, Heartfelt, Prayer!

To The Congregation, She Said:

Our God Is The God Of Order 
And Chaos Is The Domain Of Satan The Damned!
Please, Brethren
Let Us Stop Trusting The Deceitful Words Of
Those Who Philosophize
And Refuse To Glorify The Eternal God True
And Let Us Choose To Walk In The Knowledge Of The Holy
And Cease
Self To Aggrandize!

The Grave Is The Realm Of The Unrewarded Unrepentant!
Their Time Of Reward
Is At The Third Coming Of The Lord!
Until That Day
Those Who Were Faithful, Repentant, Obedient 
And Enduring
Glorified ... Immortalized 
Will Have 1,000 Years Of Peace
To Read The Record 
To Be Satisfied That
All That Could Have Been Done ... Had Been Done
To Save The Lost From Being Lost 
And To Have The Lord Wipe Away All Tears From Their Eyes!
Their Ain't No Tears I'm Heaven! 
Be At Peace In ... And With
Jesus Christ The Lord! 



1 comment:

  1. I Am Alive In, And By, The Lord Christ To Whom I Shall Give Unfeigned Worship And Praise! Thank You, Father, For The Blessed Gift!


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