
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Don't Joke About Abortion!

As A Mother Who Lost A Baby To Miscarriage
Lost One To SIDS ... Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Glory Be To Jesus
Ultimately Became The Mother To A Good Son
A Grandmother To A Healthy Grandson
I Am Seriously Offended, Perturbed, Disturbed
By The Recent Rantings Making The Rounds
In The "Star" Media!

Creating A Baby 
No Comedy Routine
Being Flippant, Vulgar And Crass About Life
Specifically The Life Of The Unborn
Not Something That Will 
The Right-Thinking Human Heart Delight!
The Offense ...

Your Thoughts Are Not Pure
Your Heart Is Not Flesh
Nor Are Your Hands Clean
When You ... A Woman
Who Benefited 
From Your Own Mother's Love And Caring
Who, Yourself, Is Blessed To Not Be Barren
Call Mommy-To-Be ... The Landlord
The Unborn Child ... The Tenant
Liken Objectors Of Your Personally Published 
Sacrifice To Satan
To Nosy Neighbors!

To Call A Baby In Your Womb  ... A Tenant
Makes Said Womb A House
Makes That Baby Party To 
Responsible For The Positive Performance Of
A Binding, Legally-Enforceable, Financial Contract:

Tenants Sign Leases For Living Space!
Landlords Collect Rent From Tenants
Landlords Evict Tenants
Who Are Habitually Late
Who Do Not Their Contracted Rent Pay!

Under Law ... And In Common Sense
A Developing Child Aka A Minor 
Cannot Any Contract Sign
The Landlord 
Who Knowingly Enters A Contract With A Minor 
Stuck With The Loss Of Unrealized Income!

Handle The Truth ...

Babies Have No Jobs 
No Prospects To Earn Income To Pay Their Way 
In Their Incubated Aka Womb Life
The Landlord Aka House Owner 
Aka "Womb Renter-Outer"
Does Not Have The Right 
Nor The Authority 
To Evict The Tenant Aka Unborn Baby
By Snuffing Out His Precious Life
To Get Back The Womb-Keys
Full Possession Of Your Illegally-Rented Premises! 

You Knew That There Was Deceit Being Practiced: 
You Practiced It!
You Were Just Looking For Spice! 
You Were Being Greedy
You're A Slum Lord
You Had No Intention ... From The Get-Go
Of Allowing The Tenant In Your Premises
To Enjoy ... To Have ... A Nice Life! 

You, Not-Dear Proud And Arrogant Landlord
Were Not Playing With A Full Deck! 

If You Were A Responsible Business Person
You Would Keep Your Precious Property 
Under Control
In Check
No Vagrants Would Be Allowed Entrance
No Debris Left Behind
No Need To Have Unemancipated Persons Taking Up Space
No Need For You To Have Your Premises Labeled
A Death Trap
A Dump
A Grave Yard
An Inhospitable Place! 

Your Minor-Tenant Did Not Invite Himself
To Take Up Residence In Your House:
You Went Outside
Made Private, Personal, Provocative Arrangements
In Joy From The Journey
As A Souvenir Of Your Success
You Brought Your Tenant ... Incognito 
Into Your Front Entrance
In The Darkness
Secreted Him Behind The Veiled Door!
You Signed His "Lease!"
You Put Him On Bed Rest!
You Fed Him Unconcernedly
Tired And Informed ... Then
By The Reality Of Unanticipated, Undesired, Responsibility
Opening Wide Your Blind Eyes
You Chose To Visit The False God Molech
That Fiery Hot Disgrace
Even As You Pontificate ... Now
There Is Time And Place
That Tenant Is Out Of Time 
That Your Womb Is Not The Place
That Your Included Electricity
Your Water
Are Not For Free
You Are Not Here To Succor Any Body
That You Are More Important Than Any Tenant
Do You Know How To Pray!?!

You Brought Your Tenant Into Your House
Made It His Natural Home
And Then 
In A Fit Of So-Called Emotional Upheaval
Psychological Hardship
Purported Financial Distress
... Oh, The Inconvenience ...
You Unilaterally Decided 
To Remove ... With Prejudice 
Your Now Unwanted Tenant! 
What Gamesmanship! 

Let's Get Real Here
Ms. Mommy Don't-Want-To-Be:

If You Didn't Want Your Tenant
Common Decency Required You
To Not Have Extended The Invitation
And Thereby
To Leave The Tenant At His Known Origins
In His Original Condition
All Component Parts Intact 

Know The Good And The Right ...

By Your Enjoying Opening The House
To Potential Tenants
Signing The Contract On The Two-Foot Table
You ... Being Honorable And God-Fearing
Must Provide For, Protect 
Cause To Prosper
Your Housemate-Tenant
Until He ... Or She
Boy Or Girl
Fully Matured
May Exit Your Premises
Under Their Own Steam ... Noisily-Peacefully
Well Able To Survive In The Known Cruel World 
On Their Own
Using Their Own Equipment! 

You Should Not Then Meet Them
     At The Exit
          With Knives Drawn
                To Publicly Cause Them Irreparable Harm! 

All Tenants ... Sought, Unsought
Wanted, Unwanted, Unaccepted, Unappreciated
Have Rights
Which May Not Be Subordinated
By Landlord's Refusal To Do The Good And The Right! 
Landlord May Not Call The Tenant A Glob Of Nothing
Nor A Parasitic Blight! 


Father Of The Faithful,
Those Dear Ones Who Choose To Be Obedient
Who Choose To Live Clean
Please Shed Your Holy Light In This World's Darkness!
Please Protect The Children!
Please Illuminate The Minds Of Those Who Walk In Darkness!
Please Help Us To Repent Of Our Known Sin
Help Us To Deny The Liar His Trophies!

Please Help Us To Deny Self
Choose To Live For Jesus The Christ
The Judge Of Flesh
The King Of Everything!

Please Help Us To Understand And Accept
That There Is No Big Or Little Sin!
Sin Is Sin
All Sin Is Lawless
Even When The Sin Is Protected By The Law Of The Land!

Please Also Help Us To Understand And Accept That
The Law Of The Land
Does Not 
Will Never
Supercede Or Set Aside Your Law
The Holy Law Of The Eternal God!
Pity Us, Lord
And Help Us To Choose To Always Do Right!

All Of Mankind Sins!
Almighty God
The Repentant!


Abortion As Birth Control 
Abortion For Convenience
Is Against The Commandment Of God
Just In Case You Do Not Yet Know It
It Is Satan Worship!
Whose Law You Obey
Is Whose Servant You Are!

Living Your Life By Jesus Christ Is Life!

Living Your Life By Satan Is Death!

The Performance Of An Abortion 
An Act Of Worship
Our Being Our Own God
Saying Who Lives ... Who Dies
By Following Satan's Leading
Does The Living God's Laws Defy 
His Sovereign Power Deny!

Self, Like Satan, Is The Sinner Bold!
Satan Is The Originator Of Sin!
Unrepented Of Sin Is Punishable By Death
So Let Us Not Add The Sin Of Presumptuous
To Our Failings!
Let's Confess Our Known Sin To The Father
In The Name Of Jesus Christ The Son
Repent Of The Evil
Let's Not To This Gross Idolatry
Ever Again Run!

Let's Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation ...

Man Must Give An Accounting To Almighty God 
For All The Things He Has Done In The Flesh!

Our Known Sin ... Confessed And Repented Of
Can And Will Be Blotted Out
So Give Your Sins ... Whatever They Are
To The King Of Love
Our Shepherd, Our God
So That You May Be Pardoned
Renewed And Accepted Into The Beloved
When The Times Of Refreshing Come
From The Lord Of Life!

Let Us ... By The Grace Of God Almighty
Seek To Not Ever Again
Go Out On Satan's Rotten, Crumbling, Limb!
Let's Forsake Sin! 

Our Victory Over Sin
Bought And Paid For
Provided To Us For Free
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Soon-Returning King!
Do All To Meet Him In Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help To Always Obey Your Word, And Do What You Say, So That Sin Will Not Ever Have Dominion Over Me!


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