
Sunday, December 22, 2019

HIDDEN FROM MAN: Open To Almighty God!

Too Doubtful To Dare Have Faith!
Too Faithless To Will To Endure!
Too Worried To Have Trust In God
Oh, So Willing
To Embrace The Willful Ways Of
The Fraud Who Wants The Worship
Due To The Eternal God!

Too Proud To Be Humble!
Too Vain To Be Wise
Too Wayward And Willful To See 
How Wicked Are Satan's Base And Bold Lies!

Too Sharp-Tongued To Consider
That Man Must Account For His Words!
Too Angry To Consider That
Unchecked Emotions Sharpens Swords!

Too Wasteful To Even Wonder
What Want Is To Those Who Have None!
Too Callous-Minded To Wonder
If Contemplated Actions Are Whispers From
The Evil Mind Of That Devil, Satan!

Too Wild To Exercise Will-Power!
Too Weak-Willed To Deny Self!
Too Selfish To Think Of Others
Wantonly Demanding The Satisfaction Of Personal Desire
Even While Knowing That That Desire
Always Leads To Torment's Blazing Fire!

But ... 

There Is A But That Puts A Period To Known Sin
All Who Choose To Follow Self
Walk In The Shadows ... In The Darkness 
With Him Who Dishonored Almighty God
Denigrated And Demeaned
Tormented And Murdered
The Father's Only Begotten Son
Sowed The Seeds Of Discontent
Disobedience, Destruction And Death
Jealousy, Envy, Greed, Hate
Murden, Mendacity, Mediocrity
Hedonism, Idolatry
False Oaths, False Witness
Sorrow And Pain
Shall Never Know Jesus Christ's Salvation
Which, Always, Is Eternal Gain!

Rich ... In Trespasses ...

Think And Do ... Wrong!
Do Wrong And Be ... Damned
Damned To Eternal Separation
Permanent Darkness ... Nothingness
Never, Ever, Seeing The Eternal Goodness
The Eternal Light
The Light That Heals And Seals!

Rich ... In Jesus Christ The Lord ...

Think ... And Pray ... And Do ... Right!
Do Right And Be ... Blessed
Blessed To Live For Eternal Ages
Glorified, Immortalized
In Eternal Peace 
With The Holy One Who Is Our Peace
Who Gives Us His Peace
In This Present Evil Age
A Peace That Passes Human Understanding
So That We Do Not With Satan Rage
Disgracing The Holy Name
The Name Above All Names
That Does Not, Cannot, Will Not
Ever Cause The Believer ... The Faithful Saint
To Know Or Feel Ashamed!

Think About The Lord Christ ...

There's Sunlight, Daylight
Twilight, Moonlight 
Electric Light And More
There Is No Light More Necessary 
To The Life Of Man Than The Light Of Life
The Sun Of Righteousness
The Son Of The Living God
Jesus Christ The Lord
The Life Of Every Man! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous
- Into Whose Hands Is Given All Things -
Sees, Knows, And Feels All Things
Is In Everything 
There Is Nothing That We Hide From Man 
That Is Not Known To Him! 

You May Hide And Buy Land
But You Can't Hide And Reap It!

If What You're Doing Must Be Hidden From Man
Then It Is Time To Stop Doing It! 
Jesus Christ Is Our Judge 
He Knows The Answers To All The Questions
That You Will Have To Answer
So You Can't Lie To Him! 

I Beseech You, Brethren,

Do The Good 
And The Right 
And Walk In The Son's Light 
To Be Saved And Blessed! 
Humble Yourself
Live Abundantly ... Now
To Live Gloriously ... Later

If Someone Cannot Give You True Bread
Do Not Permit Them To Take
Your Known, Tried And Tested Biscuit
From Almighty God
Out Of Your Needy Mouth!

A Little Bit
Gratefully Received
 From The True And Living God
By Faith Eaten ... Utilized
In The True Light
*** With Contentment ***
Pure Gold
When Compared To
The Mountains Of Pyrite
- Fool's Gold -
- The Dust Of Disobedience -
Used To Indulge Sin
Received From The Accursed Hand
Satan The Damned
Who Cannot Create
Who Only Destroys!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ The Lord Is Faithful To His Promises: I Believe Him And I Am Blessed!


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