
Saturday, December 28, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Self-Mutilation!?! Why!?!

What Is There
What Darkness Is There
What Sorrow Is There That You Can't Expose
That You Can't Share
That Will Make You Happy In Another Persona
That Would Make You Mutilate Your Body
In An Effort To Obtain Cash
Or Companionship
Or For Notoriety
For Peace Of Mind
For A Peaceful Sleep At Night!?!

What Is So Fascinating About
Being Someone Else That 
You Would Rather Die For A Lie
Than Trust Almighty God 
Walk Wise In Living Truth!?!

Are You Bigger ... Better
More Creative Than Your Creator!?!

Are You More Inspiring Than Jesus Christ
By The Holy Spirit Of Truth Who Inspires Us All!?!

Is Your Way ... Which Is Not The Way Of Almighty God
More Reasonable ... More Practical
More Feasible
Than The Way Of The Eternal God!?!

Why Are You Choosing To Walk In Lock-Step
With Wicked Satan
The Lying, Murdering, God-Fraud
His Fallen Angels 
Who Whisper, Whisper
Tempt, Tease, Torment And Terrorize
Those Of Us Who Faithfully Rely On Our Jesus Christ
Treat Even Worse
Those Who Do Not On Jesus Christ The Lord
Constantly, Consistently, Critically Rely!?!

Know The Right ...

A Notorious, Unrepentant, Sinner!
Why Are You Relying On Self!?!

Self Gets What It Wants
Even If It Means Destroying Its Host
To Get Its Own Way:
Self Is A Parasite
All Day ... In All Ways!

A Liar
The Favored Child Of Satan! 
Self Always Cries About And For Self
Only At Own-Way's Titties
Is Self Satisfied! 

Do Not Rely On Self For Living Success! 
An Undertaker
A Truth Faker
A Reality-Escape Faker
A Grave-Top Raker! 

But, There Is Hope ...

In The Good Book's Notes 
For How To Cope
How To Survive
How To Thrive
How To Really Be Alive
No Scissors
No Knife
No Palette Of Paint
Only Truth
Only Light
Good News The Soul To Delight
A Change Of Clothing
The Garment Of Praise
The Character Of Christ
The White Robe Of Righteousness 
The Heart Of Flesh
The Eye Salve For Sight
Fire-Tried Pure Gold
A Bath In The Stream Of The Blood Of The Christ
Who Paid Our Bill
To Give Unto Us His Everlasting Life To Live
Free And Clean
In A Prepared Place On The Eternal Shore! 

No Life Without Christ ...

It Is Appointed Once For Man To Die! 
A Man-ReMade Body Dies Twice!
The Christ-Created
Recreated Body 
Through The No-Limit Space Flies
In The Palace Of The King 
Safe ... Redeemed

An Expected End ...

Those Who Are Repentant For Sin
By Enduring, Working, Faith, Die In Christ
Die ... To Live Again! 

Unrepentant Sinners
Those Who Boldly Sin Against The Holy God
Willfully Defacing The Image Of God In Man
Worshipping At The Throne Of Self
- The Known False God -
Die ... To Die Again! 
This Is Unnecessary, Uncalled-For, Pain 
A Crying Shame! 

You've Got Jesus Christ So Lean ...

Jesus Christ Died To Save All Mankind
Jesus Christ Saves Who Ever Chooses To Be Saved
By Choosing Jesus Christ The Righteous
As Savior, Lord And God! 
The Ball Is In Your Court!

You Have Help ...

Jesus Christ's Daily Gift To Me ... To You
To Help Us Make The Informed Decision
If We Refuse His Gift
His Offer Of Everlasting Life
The Great Salvation
We Willingly, Willfully, Unwisely
Put Ourselves On Course
For The Lake Of Fire, Known-Coming, Collision! 

Open Your Eyes ...

No Force ... Just Fact
Man Is Under Demonic Attack
Jesus Christ Has 
And Is 
Making The Way Safe And Clear!

Do The Right Thing ...

Humble Yourself
See And Express To, And For, Jesus Christ
Your Heartfelt, Personal, Need
Importunately Pray, Pray, Pray!
Give Almighty God His Due Glory
Invite The Holy Spirit Your Heart To Enter In
From Deceitful, Self-Absorbed, Self
Boldly, Aggressively, Definitively, Walk Away! 
In Jesus Christ, Alone
Found The New Life
The New Birth!

Jesus Christ
*** For You, Personally ***
Lovingly, Sacrificially, Cares! 
Carpe Diem ... Seize The Day! 

1 comment:

  1. Almighty God's Grace Is Great Towards, And Sufficient For, Me! Thank You, Jesus!


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