
Friday, January 17, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + GET REAL: Don't Give Up On Jesus Christ! + PRAYER: Please Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit Upon Us, Father!

Image result for happy sabbath jesus is coming soon

I Don't Want A Brass Ring
Nor The Deceitful World's Applause!
I Desire The White Robe And Gold Crown Given
By The Savior Of Man
Who Died On Calvary's Cruel Cross!

I Wish To Be Rid Of My Stony Heart
I Desire To Receive The Son Of Man's Gift
Of A Heart Made Of Flesh
Suitable To Cause Me To Become Remade
In The Image Of My Savior
Suitable To Cause Me To Labor 
For The Salvation Of My Sisters And My Brothers
Helping Them To Get Shuck Of Satan The God-Fraud!

The Gifts Of The Living God
Are Myriad And New Every Day
I Desire To Receive What My Maker Has Promised To Me
Daily Gives To Me 
Without Any Hint Of Falsity Or Treachery!

My Savior, My Creator
My Redeemer, My Friend
Royal And Righteous
The Good Shepherd Known Conquering King
Whose Ways Are In The Sanctuary
Whose Love For Me Has No Known End

And I

For Love Of Him
No Gainsaying ... No Doubt
Choose To Return His Love
By Willing Obedience
For I Hold In My Heart The Desire
To Dwell And Reign With Him
In His Glorious Courts In Heaven Above!

Image result for Psalm 86:4-5 kjv

We All Know That We Can Rely On The Lord Christ
- Whom We Have Wronged -
For Food, Favor, Blessings, And Benefits 
Because Of 
His Sacrificial Love For Us! 
Please Do Not Permit Either Personal Pride 
Or Satan's Poisonous Whisperings Of Temptation 
Or Accusations For Past Sins 
To Stop You From Calling Upon Jesus Christ Always! 

Jesus Knows Sees Us And Knows Our Hearts
He Will Help Us
Who Approach Almighty God With The Faith That 
He Daily Gives To Us To Use 
For Our Journeying To The Throne Of Grace! 

We Can't Wear Our God 
So Let's Wear Out Our Strength 
Calling Upon Him Who Blesses 
Strengthens Us With His Love! 
Heaven With Jesus Christ Is Our Home
Satan The Damned Is Still The Father Of Lies!


I Love You And I Praise You
I Trust You And I Have Needs
So, Please, Dear Lord
From Unfeigned Lips
My Humble Petitions Receive!

Please Lift Me Up So That I May Lift You Up!
I Believe Your Holy Word
Of Speaking About Your Goodness
Your Grace
I Will Not Shut Up
For Man's Life Is Fleeting
Time Is Almost At Its End
When Accounts Must Be Settled
Where The Expiry Date Of Sin And Satan
Will No Longer Have A Hold
Will Be Fulfilled
Your Cup Of Wrath Will Be Poured Out:
Save Us, Dear Lord
Those Of Us Who Choose
Upon Your Love
To Wholly Depend!

Pastors, Corrupting Your Holy Word
Are Dipping Seven Times
Washing Their Bodies In Barrels Of Water
On Your Altar, Lord
Forcing Your Deluded People
To Drink Cups Of Their Dirty Bath Water
As A Mark Of Faith
For A Blessing!

Lord God Almighty, 
Rebuke Them For Their Effrontery! 
Repay Them For Their Fraud!
Open The Eyes Of Your People
Please Help Us To Live Wholly And Solely
By The "Thus Saith The Lord!"

You Have Called Homosexuality
An Abomination In Your Eyes
And Yet, Dear Father
The Hireling Shepherd Are Practicing Lies
They Are Setting Up Churches
Catering Specifically
For The Needs Of Those
Who Presumptuously Refuse
To Heed Your Plain Word
Those Who Live For Their Lusts
Those Who Choose To Reject Plain Truth
Prefer To Boldly Walk In Darkness
Trusting Those Who Care More
For Their Bank Balances
Big Houses 
Cars, Jets And Prestige
Are Merchandising
The Purchased Souls of Men
Promising Them Utopia
On A Planet That You Have Declared
That By Your Personal Hand
At Your Appointed Time 
Shall Come To A Burning End!

There Is Even A False Revival Occurring 
Compliments Of
That Unholy Other Spirit
Many Are Walking Down
The Documented Dead-End
Which They Are Being Falsely Assured
Has No Known Limit!

Help Us To Confess And Repent
Our Known Sin
Please Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Living Truth Is Cast Down
Trampled Upon
On Do-What-Thou-Wilt Street!
Smoke And Mirrors Are Everywhere
False-Oath Takers
Are Operating Without Fear!

Men And Women Possessed By Demons
Are In The Halls Of Justice
In The Church
In The Family 
Amongst The Little Ones
Where They Learn And Play!

Cannibalism Is On The Rise
Human Transformerism
A Special-To-Satan Delight
The Lying Media Houses
Even Christian Media Houses
Are Making An Open Mockery
Of Christ's Christianity
Lauds Those Beliefs That
Make Wicked Men Gods!
Christianity Is Being Marked For Death!

How Long!?!
How Much Longer Must We Thread
The Paths Of Sorrow
In This Vale Of Tears!
How Much Longer, Dear Father
Before The Holy Jesus Shall Appear!

Oh, Please Grant Unto Us
Ever-Increasing Faith And Patience
Please Come For Us Soon
For The Anger And Hatred
Being Cast Up Against Your People Is Palpable!

Please, Dear Father
Help Us To Endure!
Help Us To Stand Firm!
Help Us To Speak Truth In Righteousness!
Help Us To Shed Light On The Darkness!
Help Us To Do Good Works
For The Dying World To See
So That Men Will Glorify And Praise You
Who Is In Heaven!

Please Help Not To Get Tired In Well-Doing!
Please Help Us To Love Those Who Hate Us
Abuse Us Wrongfully
Of Whose We Are!

Please Pour Of Your Holy Spirit
Upon The People
In Latter-Day Rain Strength
So That The Saving Work May Be Completed
Finite-Time Come To Its Stated End!

Please Help Us To Trust You
Our Creator
Not A Seen, Created, Human Body
Or The Unseen, Unclean, Spirits
- Condemned Fallen Angels -
Masquerading As Humans
Or Actuating
Depraved Women, Children, And Men! 
In Jesus Christ's Name, We Pray And Plead!
Have Mercy On Us!
We Are Faithfully, Hopefully
Watching, Working
For And Upon You!

Image result for Psalm 86:7 kjv

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is Real, The Seventh Day Is Still The Sabbath, And The Truth Of The Living God Shall Prevail Against The Evil That Men Do! Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon: Get Ready And Stay Ready!


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