
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I Know ... I Accept ... I Am Glad!

I Know That I'm A Sinner!
I Accept That I Cannot Save Myself!
I Am Glad That Jesus Christ Loves Me!

I Know That I Need A Savior!
I Accept That Christ's Salvation Is Free!
I Am Glad That Jesus On Calvary Freed Me!

I Know That For Myself  I Must Choose Salvation!
I Accept That Victory Over Sin Is My Need!
I Am Glad Jesus Made The Way Plain For Me!

I Know That I Am Not Alone In The Struggle!
I Accept The Holy Hand Of Help Giving Me Daily Faith!
I Am Glad For The Comfort Of The Holy Spirit!

I Know That I Have Satan For My Enemy!
I Accept That I Can't Fight Satan On My Own! 
I Am Glad That I Have Holy Angels Watching Over Me!

I Know That Temptations Will Assail Me!
I Accept That Sometimes I May Fall! 
I Am Glad That Jesus Won't Forsake Me!

I Know That My Redeemer Is Alive!
I Accept That This World Is Not My Home!
I Am Glad That Where Jesus Is, Is My Eternal Home!

I Know That Now I Am In A Cocoon!
I Accept That I Must Struggle To Emerge!
I Am Glad That Jesus Is In Charge!

I Know That I Know Jesus!
I Accept Gratefully That Jesus Lovingly Accepts Me!
I Am Glad That In The Heavenly Glade
The Land Of Joy And Gladness
There Is A Personal Place Jesus Prepared Just For Me!

I Know That I Need Jesus! 
I Accept That Without Jesus I Would Be Forever Lost! 
I Am Glad That By Confession And Repentance
For My Own Sin 
Taking Jesus For My Eternal Portion
I Do Not Have To Pay Sin's Cost
For Love Of My Dear Savior, Jesus Christ
My Creator, My Lord, My King
I Willingly Take Up My Cross
I Gladly Follow Him!
My Borne Cross
Leads To My Worn Crown! 

Jesus Christ Loves Me! 
I Love Jesus Christ The Lord! 
He Calls Me To Sure Salvation 
By Doing His Holy Will
I Walk With Him In Accord! 
Jesus Christ Does Not Indulge In Fraud
For He Is The Eternal God 
In Faith
I Give Him Laud! 

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It Is Only When We Choose To Align Ourselves
- Yielding Our Will And Our Way - 
To Jesus Christ That We Can Successfully Guard Our Hearts 
Against The Siren Song Of Sin That 
Leads The Careless And Contrary Soul To Destruction! 

Rude Mouths Write Bad Checks! 
Rigid Backs Bear Unnecessary Blows 
The Unrepentant Soul 
Marked For Destruction 
He Refuses To Be Corrected Or Guided! 

See The Difference ...

Consider Satan! 
Consider King Saul

And Then

Consider Our Savior, Christ Jesus
Who Acceded To His Father's Wishes
By His Willing Obedience
Died To Save Us All Resident On The Blue Ball! 


Do Not Be Hard-Headed Nor Hard-Hearted 
For Willful Disobedience Yields An Inedible Harvest! 

Please Take Heed To The Cautions Of The Living Word
Choose To Be Humble And Obedient
Humbly Open Your Hand ... Your Attached-To-Christ-Heart
To Receive Sure Promises 
Always Rich Blessings! 

Never Forget, Brethren
Jesus Christ Is Our Only Peace!
Jesus Christ Utterly Saves Us From Sin!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is Real And Returning To Earth For Me! Thank You, Jesus!


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