
Thursday, February 27, 2020

CHRISTIANITY: The Life Of Worldly Privilege!?!

Grateful ... And More!

They Were Not Huddled Together!
They Were ... Are ... All Over The Place
Most Of Them Were Real Easy To Identify:
They Wore Their Christian Regalia! 

Big Hats! 
Sharp Suits! 
Some Were Too Comfortable! 
Many Were Proudly Pious! 
Many Were Snifflingly Sanctimonious! 
Many Were Giving And Griping! 
Many Were Studiously Parsimonious! 
All Named The Name Of Christ Jesus! 
Many Were Fat And Cried Poverty! 
Fruit Was Everywhere:
Preserved Fruit! 
Fruit Crumble! 
Fresh Fruit! 
Spoiled Fruit! 

... And You Could Read The Signs
Observe The Tells Aka The Hints That 
They Wanted Observed And Recognized
Back-Slappingly Commented Upon! 
It Was Just Sad
They Were All So Happy
To Be Amongst Friends:

Christian And Proud Of It!
Christian And Humbled By It!
Christian And Profited By It!
Christian And Blessed By It!

    Mercy Said No!
    I Love The Lord!
    I Walk With God!
    Too Blessed To Be Stressed! 

        Cooperating With Christ!
        I Should Have Died!
        Waiting, Watching, Working Christian!
        Wise Unto Salvation!

The Call To Order Was Given ... Firmly
A Hush Fell Upon The Room! 
His Nibs, Florid MC, Master Of Ceremonies 
Had Taken Center Stage! 

The Time Had Come! 
Everybody Was Eager To Hear The Missions Report
Nobody Knew Who Was Giving The Report This Session! 

Anticipation Was High! 

Usually Given To Flowery Phrases And Hyperbole
Florid MC ... His Voice Noticeably Shaking
Without Preamble, Baldly Said:

Time Is Short! 
The Master Is Here! 
Prince Shiloh, Welcome! 

The Gasp In The Room Was Audible! 
Real Audible! 

Now That Was Straight Out Of Left Field! 

Being Au Fait With The Book
They Know That The Prince Still Speaks To His People
They Weren't Expecting To Hear Him Up Close And Personal! 
Hearts Swelled With Pride 
At Their Assembly Being Graced By The King! 
What A Blessing! 

Prince Shiloh Spoke Of Love
Grace And Mercy Given And Not Exemplified!

Prince Shiloh Spoke Of Truth Given
And Truth Denied!

Prince Shiloh Spoke Of Peace Given
And Peace Made A Verifiable Lie!

And Prince Shiloh Cried.

Then, Suddenly
Prince Shiloh ... Our Prince Who Is Peace
Raised His Voice!

Brethren, Beloved Brethren
Why Do You Use My Name
Say That You Love Me
Enjoy The Benefits Of The Commitment
Of The Love Relationship
And Do Not Do What Is Good And Right!?!

All Rise!
All Who Know Themselves To Be Privileged, Please Sit!

Everybody Sat Down! 

All Who Know Themselves To Be Truly Blessed, Please Rise!

Everybody Got Up!

All Who Know That 
They Are Grateful To Almighty God For The Myriad Blessings 
Daily Bestowed Upon You Personally
Please Sit!

Of The 2,500 People Known Present And Accounted For
2,227 People Sat Down!
The Number Showed On The Screen!
The Gathering Groaned!

All Who Know By The Word Of Truth That Convicts Of Sin
And Convinces Of Righteousness
That They Are Faithful And Obedient 
To Their Calling And Commitment To The Lord
Please Remain Seated!

Of The 2,500 People Present And Accounted For
A Remnant, 393 Saints, Remained Seated!

You Could Have Heard A Pin Drop!
Shock Was Evident!
Fear Was Apparent!
Hope Appeared Absent
Love Was Not Lost!

Prince Shiloh Started To Speak Again!

Those Who Are Sitting, Please Come To Me! 
All Who Are Standing, Please Sit!

When All Were Appropriately Resettled
Prince Shiloh Said:

A Saved Christian Is A Faithful
Grateful For Grace
Waiting For The Consummation Of Their Hope 
Wise Unto Salvation 
Watching Worker
Who Does Not Take Anything For Granted
Not Even Their Life!

Were This Event On The Great Day Of Small Things
All Of You Who Are Here Seated
Would Be Amongst Those Forever Lost To The Living Kingdom!

These Few Who Are Here With Me
Would Be The Ones Headed For Glory

Let This Be A Lesson To You In The Chair! 
Godliness Is Gladness! 
Against You, I Forbear!
You Now Have Opportunity 
Your Life To Turn Around
So Be Not Complacent:
Your Life In The Here And The Now 
Is Assuredly That Of The Time-Bound!

Make Good Use Of The Reprieve You Have Been Given!
All The Heavenly Intelligences Are Available To You
And Desire To See Your Salvation!
Remember: Earth Is An Hospital For The Sin-Sick
And A Learning The Way To Everlasting Life Station!

After Prince Shiloh Had Departed
Florid MC Spoke With A New Gravitas 
In His Already Powerful Voice:


I Stand Before You A Soul Chastised!
We Have Been Warned! 
Forewarned Is Fore-Armed
So Not One Of Us Here Has Any Reason Whatsoever
To, Hereafter, Be Lost To The Living Kingdom! 

If Prince Shiloh Didn't Love Us Sacrificially
He Would Not Have Come To Warn Us Of Our Peril! 

We Can No Longer Indulge In Business As Usual! 

If We Are Following Christ
We Will Conduct Ourselves As He Did
Always Pleasing The Father ... Our Father In Heaven! 

The Text That Prince Shiloh Has Left For Our Admonition 
Is Luke 14:27! 
Let's Take It To Heart:

Following The Lord Christ 
Is Not For The Faint-Hearted 
Because It Is Not The Life Of Worldly Privilege
Worldly Abundance And Carousing 
And Excesses Sufficient To Make Our Savior Sad! 

Self-Denial, Sacrifice
Disappointments, Delay
Hatred, Malice And Mistreatment 
Are All Conditions To Be Faithfully Endured 
And Overcome 
But We Are To Live Fully Cognizant Of 
The Value Of The Treasure
That Is The Blessed Hope! 

Following After The Lord Christ 
Our Very Own Prince Shiloh
Is Safety, Security, Satisfaction, Sanity
And Salvation 
For The Repentant Sinner Sanctified ... Set Apart
For His Holy Use! 

There Is No Risk Because ... Again
We Have The Blessed Hope 
Which Benefits Are Known 
Before We Even Decide To Walk With The Lord Christ 
Who Is Creator, Provider, Savior
Redeemer, Forever Friend
Hope For Heaven
And Surety For Everlasting Happiness! 

We Have Been Reminded That Gratitude Is A Grace!

Earthly Joys Are Temporary! 
Heavenly Joys Are Glorious, Eternal
And The Return On Our Investment In Christ 
Is Infinite 
So Let's Boldly And Safely Choose 
To Take The "Risk" That Is Ordained
All Heavenly Reward! 

The Prince Of Peace ... Prince Shiloh 
Is Ever With Us!
Let's Do Better For Him
So That We Will Be Better In Him:
He Is Our Perfect Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Open My Eyes, Unstop My Ears And Soften My Heart, Father, For I Want To See Jesus Christ In Peace ... For Everlasting Joy!


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