
Tuesday, February 11, 2020


The Liar:
One Who Is Willfully Living Illiterately Against Righteousness!

Liar, Bruddah Liar
His Pants Are Afire
He Pleasurably Speaks Falsehoods And Fabrications
Loves To Start Riots
For These Reason 
His House Is As A Known-Burning Truck Tire! 

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We Can Survive The Marauding Ways Of 
Those Who Steal Our Personal Possessions 
Very Few Indeed Survive Or Prosper 
After Being Visited With The Ungodly Utterances Of 
The Red Rag Encased In Lying Lips! 

Lies Are Like Bullets, Knives And Poison 
Like Its Lethal Counterparts
Lies Kill Just As Dead! 

Lying Lips Kill Hopes And Dreams
Destroy Homes, Communities, Churches And Nations
A Lie Started War In Heaven!
A Lie Told On Earth In Eden's Pristine Garden
Paved The Road For Man To Enter Hell!
Buying A Lie Is Very Often Not A Hard Sell! 

A Lie By Satan, The Father Of Lies
Destroyed The Mortal Life Our Lord Jesus
The Living Word Of The Word Of God
Who Is The Truth 
The Son Of God
Jesus Christ The Lord
Rinsed The Liar Out
The Truth Stands Today
Mightily Showing The Way To Life
To All Those Who In Love For The Truth
Do Gladly, Righteously, Delight! 
The Truth Is The Heavenly Light!

Our Father In Heaven
Our Almighty God 
Despises, Abhors, Hates Lies 
Calls The Lie, Abomination
He Has Made It Clear That No One Aka The Liar 
Who Loves Lying
Practices Lying 
Has Any Portion ... Ever
In His Living Kingdom! 

Lies Destroy The Victim 
Lies Destroy The Liar
So For True Peace
Real Prosperity
For Hope, Help 
Sure Salvation
Speak Truth In Love, For Love
Be Righteous
Into His Holy Presence
Our Beloved Father Will Surely Welcome Us!

Don't Let The Love Of The Lie
Turn You In A Lying Loser!
Confess Of Known Sin ... The Love Of The Lie
Repent To The Father
Bowing The Knee Before The Lord Christ
Know Of A Surety
That When He Shall Come Again
With Him To Highest Heaven
You Will Indeed Fly!
With Confidence ... With Finality
See To It That That Lying Serpent, Satan
You Aggressively Deny!

The Truth
The Christian's Sharp Sword!

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1 comment:

  1. The Truth: Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon And By His Grace, And With His Sacrificial Love For Me, I Am Getting Ready Because I Desire, With Him, To Spend Eternity!


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