
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Spiritual Dwarfism!?!

I Am Ashamed To Confess That 
I, A Christian, Am Suffering From
I Am Afflicted By Spiritual Dwarfism
So Are You All!

I Am Sorry To Tell You That 
Left Unchecked, Uncured
It Is 100% Fatal
We Are All In The Terminal Case Lounge!

Many Of Us Are Being Made Comfortable 
For The Final Gasp 
Through Palliative Aka Comfort Care
Are Overdosing On Feel Good And Pain-Free!

Many Of Us Are Sworn And Determined
To Go Out With A Bang
To Go Down With Shooting Flames
Through Fulfilling Unprofitable Desires 
Cataloged On Publicized Bucket Lists


Many Others Don't Give A Rat's Well
Are Living As Though Tomorrow's Sun Must Rise For Them!

You've Stated Our Problem
So May I Take It That
You, A Pathfinder
A Friend And A Companion, An Explorer
A Ranger, A Guide
A Master Guide Even
Know Of, Or Has Access To, The Solution
The Cure ... The Therapy 
The Way Out ... The Way Forward
The Sure Way To Salvation ... Spiritual Growth In Grace
To Reposition Us Who Are Willing!?!

Renounce... And Represent!

I See You And I Heard The Words
But I Haven't Gained Anything ... Yet!
Would You Care To Unwrap The Package
And Open The Pot And Share The Goodies!
I Could Eat Something Good 
Right About Now! 

Alright, Then! 

People, We've Got Problems
The Word Of God Has All Of The Answers
So Let's Dig Deep Into That Little Verse
In Philippians 4:19!
We All Cheer Ourselves With This Verse 
So Let's Really Explore It! 

Image result for philippians 4 19 kjv

Think About It! 

My God: Because I, Personally, Know Him
Will Supply: Everything Is His And He Loves To Share
Your Need: Because You Have Them And He Is Able To Fill Them
According To His Riches: Since He Made Everything
Known, Unknown, Seen, Unseen
Unexpected, Unanticipated, Unrequested
In Glory: His Glory, His Dominion, His House Of Abode 
Where He, In His Abiding Love
Available, Purchased-For-You Grace
Giving You Unmerited Favor ... With Free Mercy 
He Feels And Has Compassion For You
Desires Your Personal, Spiritual, Prosperity! 

We Need To Renounce ... Along With Sin
Doubt And Ungodly Fear
Show To Our Observers, Detracters 
The Doubtful
The Disbelieving And The Unbelieving 
His Love And Care For Us
Represent ... Really Represent Our Lord
His Word ... His Character
Displaying Our Love And Obedience
The Saving The Faith We Declare That We Live By!

What's The Point Of
Calling People To Believe In
To Worship And Praise
The Lord Of Life
That You Don't Fully Trust
To Daily Provide
For Your Every Need!?! 

We Walk Around With Our Stomachs In
Our Bibles Out
Smiles Down
Frowns In The Air
Have The Gizzards, The Gumption 
The Unmitigated Gall To Say That
"We're Too Blessed To Be Stressed!"
"Too Wise To Be Worried!"
When We're Deathly Afraid To Breathe Too Deeply! 

So What!?! We're Humans! 

What We Are 
Professed, Praticing
Regenerated Christians
Bound For Zion
Living By Faith
Trusting The Word
Commanded To Deny The Works Of The Flesh
To Don The Whole Armor Of God
To Not Have The Spirit Of Fear
To Approach Boldly The Throne Of Grace
To Wrestle With God 
To Demand A Blessing ...!?! 

Who Are We To Demand Anything From Almighty God!?! 

I'm So Glad You Asked That Question! 

We Are Confessed And Repentant Sinners
Children Greatly Beloved
Students Devotedly Diligent
Workers Trusted And Commissioned
Believers Enduring, Praying, And Blessed! 

The Lord Said To Ask  ... In Faith ... Nothing Wavering! 
He Said Seek ... As For Hidden Treasure! 
He Said Knock ... And The Door Shall Be Opened! 

I Get It! I Truly Get It!
A Knock Requesting Entry Cannot Be Timid! 

A Knock Is A Command! 

A Knock Is A Demand! 

A Humble, Heartfelt, Faith-Filled Prayer
A Demand For Provision
Comfort, Care, Protection, Enlightenment And More! 

Jesus Christ Said To Pray ... Without Ceasing! 

If A Prayer Is A Knock
Unceasing Prayer Is Constant Knocking!
Bold Knocking Requires Attention!
Constant Knocking Demands An Answer!
Constant Knocking ... Constant Praying Gets His Attention
Constant Praying Is A Demand
A Demand For Satisfaction ... For Relief
So We Must ...!

... We Must Demand That Our Needs
Be Satisfied ...!

... But That Only Works 
The Heart Is Right With The Lord
Otherwise ... Your Prayers Become An Abomination! 

I Feel Cheated! 
No One Ever Told Us This Before! 


You Know Now
So Be Bold ... Be Humble
Be Pleased To Ask
Be Blessed To Receive 
What The Lord Christ Has To Share! 

Let's Exercise Faith Today! 
The Lord Is Listening 
Eagerly Waiting For Our Moves
Our Prayers
Our Demands Made Out Of Trust! 

Let's Make Our Petitions Right Now! 


We Come Boldly
In Faith 
Trusting You At Your Word
Leaning On Your Strength
Urged On By Your Love
Holding Grace And Mercy! 

Pity Us And Help Us
To Pray More
To Commune More
To Commit To You Completely!
We Ask These Blessings
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!


We Have A Gift ... A SCOPE! 
It Is Both A Microscope 
A Telescope
We Can See ... If We So Desire:
Strength ... He Gives Us Strength Every Day
Courage ... Our Faith In Gives Us Courage
Opportunity ... We Are Mortal So We Take The Time To Connect With Him
Prayer ... Without Praying To Him We Are Dead Without Him
Endurance ... There's No Point To Running 
We Do Not Plan For 
Prepare To Reach The Expected End
At The ... Due ... Time Stipulated
And Thence
To Dance As King David Danced
In Holy Celebration 
For Overcoming ... Achieving ... Winning! 


Spiritual Dwarfism 
A Curse ... A Disease ... A Plague ... To Be Cured!
All Who Inherit Eternity
Are Giants Of The Faith That Cannot Fail
And So
Endurance Born Of That Holy Faith Is Everything! 

Endurance Is Not Just A Word!
It Is A Schedule!

Run ... The Race To Win
Due ... Arrive According To Schedule
End ... With The Victory Song
Dance ... As One Forever Blessed Into Eternity! 

Let Us ... By Almighty God's Great Grace
Make Jesus Christ The Lord Our All And All! 
Glory Awaits The Overcomer!


1 comment:

  1. Doubt Decimates And Faith Elevates! Father, By Your Grace, Please Help Me To Stand On The Living Word And Walk Faithfully Unto Victory In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!


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