
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Putrid Pot Of Peas!

Are Four Peas In A Putrid Pot
They Make Otherwise Wise People Believe That 
The Prince Of Peace
The God Of Grace
The Lord Of Life 
Will Not Ever Call Them Out!

We Are Called Christian
We Faithfully Follow The Lord Christ
Doing As He Did
Causing The Father To Behold Us In Delight


We Fall Short Of The Glory Of God
By Walking On The Wild Side
Doing As Did Lucifer ... Now Satan
The Adversary Of Souls
He Who Would Take The Worship That
Belongs To The True Living
Giving Blessing Kind Holy Eternal God!

Do Not Think For A Moment That
You Can Separate The Love Of Almighty God
From His Justice!
Do Not Think For A Moment That
Satan Is Punished
The Lord Will Let You Slide
Just Because You Name The Name
Say The Prayers
And Give Free-Will Offerings 
And Pay The Owed Tithes
You Will Be Sadly Mistaken
For Gross Folly
Satan Will Willingly, Excitedly ... Pleasurably
Carry You On A One-Way Trip
To Death And Damnation
Which Will Never See You Crossing
The Separation Line!

Jesus Christ Is Power
And Yet
He Was Humble!
Satan Indulged Pride
It Saw Him From Heaven Tumble!

Lady Eve, King Saul, King David, Judas Iscariot
All Indulged In The Sin Of Presumption
The End Result Involving All
- To A Measurable Degree -
Involved Death:
To King Saul And Judas Iscariot
It Plainly States
To Hill Zion
These Will Never Enter The Pearl Gate!

This Leaves Us With ... Brings Us To
Lady Eve ... The Mother Of All Living
King David ... Through Whose Line The Savior Of Man Came! 

Repentance Is Good
For The Human Soul!

Brethren, Beloved 

Confession Of Known Sin
Repentance Therefor 
Puts You Outside Of Satan's Damnable Circle
Into The Safe Fold Of The Good Shepherd
Jesus Christ Our Lord And God
Who Was Lowly, Gentle, Meek And Mild
Who Indulged Prayerful Communion With
Who Walked In The Will And The Ways Of
Our Great Father
The Ancient Of Days! 

If You Love The Lord
Keep His Commandments!

Get Over Your Self ...

Humility Is Not A Put-Down
Unchecked Pride Is Not A Lift Up! 
Presumption Is Not Profitable

Unchecked Power Is Not Valuable
The Unhinged Pursuit Of Pleasure
For Pleasure's Unholy Sake
A Free-Ride, One-Way, Non-Negotiable
Premium Ticket
Through Hell's Always Smooth, Hot And Wide Entrance
To The Burning With Fire And Brimstone Lake! 

Turn Back, Beloved
Before It Is Too Late! 
Don't Be Like Satan
Who Has Sealed His Own Fate! 

Think About It ...

One Great Difference 
Between The Saint Bound For Glory 
The Sinner Bound For Hell 
The Inordinate Love For Experiencing Pleasure 
Just For Experiencing Pleasure
That Bold Sinners Find Exceedingly Pleasurable 
To The Rabid Exclusion Of Common Sense
Temporal Safety 
Freely Given And  Presently Available Soul Salvation! 

Our Creator God Plainly Told Us What Is Good 
We Are Allowing A Deceitful, Treacherous
Condemned, Damned, Fallen Cherub 
To Tell Us What Pleasure Is
He Has A Cultured Voice
Wonder-Working Powers Of Unholy Persuasion! 

Lady Eve Permitted Satan To Convince Her Of 
What Is Pleasant To The Taste
Beautiful To The Eye
Good To Make One Wise 
We Are Still Paying The Price For That Disobedience!

I Beseech Us All, Brethren
Please Don't Pay With Your Skin 
What Your Soul Can't Afford: 
Earthly Pleasures Fade Fast! 
Let's Be Truly Wise: Listen To The Lord
Be Forever Blessed!

A Pig In Pearls Is Still A Pig
A "Christian"
Calling The Name Of Jesus Christ
Living The Life Of Riley
Playing Footsie With Satan
Is Not Ever
Going To Be A Translated Saint!
Learn The Difference
Between Sinner And Saint
Choose According To
Your Preferred Final Destination!
Your Choice Is Your Ticket!
Jesus Christ
The Holy God Glorious
The King Kind
The Judge Righteous
Will Direct You To Your Assigned Gate!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Beulah Land, Like All Faithful Saints Of God And Christ, I Am Longing To Behold You With My Own Eyes On The Day Appointed! Father, In The Name Of Jesus Christ, Keep Me Faithful Unto Death Or Until The Lord Christ Shall Come!


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