
Saturday, February 29, 2020


If We Are Sealed By The Holy Spirit
Whom Jesus Christ Gives Unto Us
We Wittingly Reject Jesus Christ 
Through Whom, Alone, We Get Home To The Father
Who, Alone, Gives Us The Holy Spirit
We Are Not Sealed Against The Wrath Of The Lamb
We Cannot Get Home To Glory
We Are Damned For All Eternity
We Choose To Stand In Our Sin ... Alone!

Consider Sodom And Gomorrah!
Consider The Antedelluvians
The Canaanite Tribes
Wiped Clean From The Earth
Ask Your Self These Wise Questions:

Do I Want To Live Eternally!?! 

Why Should I Die
When I Have The Security Blanket
The God Of All Grace
Who Holds Up The Sky
And Yet
Gently Calls Me Home
In His Love Eternally To Abide!?!

There Are No Place Space Holders
In The Economy Of The Eternal God 
Any Of Us Who Will Be Made Profitable
By ... And To ... Him
Shall Reap The Cumberer Of The Earth's Reward! 

Hold Up! 
What's A Cumberer Of The Earth
And What Is Their Reward!?! 

I'm So Glad That You Asked That Question! 
When You Plant A Fruit Tree
Do You Plant It As An Ornamental
Or To Receive Fruit!?! 

I Want Fruit, Lots Of Fruit To Eat, To Enjoy! 

Now, If, Let's Say, Your Fruit Tree Was Killed By Blight! 
What Would You Do!?! 

It Ain't Got No More Purpose So I'd Cut It Down 
And I'd Burn The Remnants So That Blight Cannot
Infest My Other Trees! 

Now, Let's Say That Your Good-Fruit Tree
Over Time
Slowly Started Producing Less And Less Fruit
What It Did Produce Was Blighted, Inedible
Until It Stopped Producing Altogether! 
What Would You Do!?! 

Well, Considering That I Once Had A Tree Like That
And I Dug At It Roots
Manured It
Fed It Medicine
Talked To It
Had Professionals Attend To It
And Even Prayed For It
And Finally Having No Hope Of It Ever Again Being 
Profitable, Beneficial, Worthwhile
Good For Anything Save Firewood
Hard Though It Was
I Made The Executive Decision
Said: " Don't Want To Be You!"
And ... With Great Malice
I Chopped That Puppy Down
And I Burned The Stump! 
It Ain't Never Coming Back! 

I Hear You! 

Why Did You Go To Such Lengths!?! 

The Lord Know I Wanted To Save My Tree! 
Oh, How I Loved That Tree! 
I Expensed Myself
And I Did Everything Possible To Preserve Its Life 
But It Was In Vain
And Since It Was Serving No Purpose
Or More Specifically 
Since It Was Not Serving Its Appointed, Expected Purpose
It Had To Go
So I, Within My Rights, Destroyed It! 
It Was Just Taking Up Space
And Who Knows
It Could Have Infected The Other Trees
It Could Have Blighted The Land! 

So, My Wise Friend
Would Not Say Then That 
Your Unproductive Tree Was An Encumbrance 
Or More Specifically
A Cumberer Of The Ground!?! 

Well, Hot Diggety Dog! 
I Sure Would! 

The Bottom Line ... 

We Are Here To Know God
To Be Made Right With God
To Serve God
To Be Made Right
To Get Back Home To Our Father
If We Through Loving The Lie
Become Blighted To The Truth
Our Owner ... By Creation
Our Owner ... By Redemption
Through His Shed Blood
Exercises The Only Remedy Available
To Truly Get Rid Of The Problem
Or Face Losing The Whole Planting! 

Simply Put
We Have The Free Will To Make The Free Choice:
Do ... Or Be Doomed! 

The Options ... 

Serve Your Purpose
Be Severed On Purpose! 

Never Forget, Brethren
You Are Not The Owner Of The Property
Your Body You Inhabit
Nor The Land Upon Which You Live! 

You Are Almighty God's Property
He Expects A Return On His Investment ... Plus Usury
Aka Profit! 

You Have His Breath Of Life
The Gift Of The Holy Spirit
To Teach And To Lead You Into All Truth
Thus Making You Profitable
To Your Creator, Lord, God And King! 

In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
Choose To Live Up To Your God-Given Potential
Be Blessed To Occupy Your Prepared-For-You Place
In The Eternal City Where Love Dwells! 

Be Not Deceived To Walk In Your Own Way
Which Will Lead You To Destruction
The Sure Damnation! 
Believe The Word! 
Receive The Heaven-Sent Promises
Be Assured That You Will Be Forever Blessed! 


Our Heavenly Father Bears With Us Long! 
By Prayer And Supplication
By The Intercession Of Our Lord
He Is Encouraged To Bear With Us
A Little Longer
Be Ye Warned And Armed
He Will Not Bear With Us Always! 

Best By
Use By
Expiration Date ...

We Are At Our Best
When We Confess And Repent Of Known Sin
Choose To Willingly Obey The Lord! 

We Are To See To It That We Settle Accounts With 
Perform Service For The Lord
Before The Day Of Our Death! 
There Is No Second Probation For Mankind!

If We Have Not Chosen Jesus Christ
As Our Eternal Portion
Through Confession, Repentance
Obedience And Faithfulness
Our Expiration Date 
The Day Of Our Demise ... Our Death
Our Account With Our Maker
Effectively Closed! 

There Is No Turning Back
To Correct!
There Is No Going Forward
To Enjoy!

All That Is Left To Such
The Day Of Destruction 
At The Second Resurrection! 

Think About It!


What We Do For Almighty God
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord
Remembered And Recorded 
So Your Work Is Not Vain! 
Think On The Promises Purchased
The Sacrifices That Our Lord Has Made
Consider What These Gifts To Us Have Cost Him
Recognize How And Why The Total Bill Was Paid 
With Shame ... You Are The Reason
Gratitude ... He Loves You And You Are Forgiven
Love And Devotion
You Can't Help But Desire Him!

The Promise 
Given To All Who Choose To Believe That 
A Place In The Father's House 
Being Prepared For Us There 
There We Will Be Received 
To Live With The King, The Lord God, Holy Divine
So Dare To Accept The Gift Of An Everlasting, Blessed, Future 
Where Life, New, Is Sublime! 

Dare To Trust The Word Of The One Who Is The Truth
Who Is The Life
Who Directs Us On The Road Home 
He Is The Way: We Do Not Walk Alone!

Remember ...

The Father Wants Us In His House
His Joy And Glory To Share! 
Exercise Your Gift Of Faith 
For The Grand Journey Prepare! 

The Walk To Freedom Is Not Easy!
The Way To Damnation Is Not Hard! 
The Walk To Freedom ... From Sin
From Self, Death, Hell And The Grave
By Our Lord Christ's Great, Encompassing, Grace
Gives Unto Us ... Who Are Willing To Submit To His Will
The Expected End ... The Prophesied Future
The Promised Eternity With Him
The Way To Damnation ... Unwisely Dying In Known-Sin
Ensures That Living In Sin
Will Be The Unrepentant Sinner's Final Hymn! 

Have Faith In God! 
He Is The Great Creator! 
Have Faith In God! 
He Is The One True Friend! 
Have Faith In God! 
He Will Reward Your Labor! 
Have Faith, Dear Friend 
In Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Have Faith In God! 
He Knows The End From The Beginning! 
Have Faith In God! 
In Him Is Abundant Living! 
Have Faith In God! 
His Truth Demands Of Us Sacrificial Giving! 
Have Faith, Dear Friend
In Jesus Christ The Lord! 


Almighty God's Grace
To Me And To Thee!

1 comment:

  1. I Take Jesus Christ, The Lord Of Life, As My Personal Savior, And I Am Glad For The Blessing!


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