
Saturday, February 22, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Truth Is Not A Merchantable Commodity

There Are No Round Squares
And There Are No Smooth Points!

There Is No Good In Satan
And There Is No Bad In Jesus Christ!

There Is No Death In Heaven
And There Is No Life In Hell
And There Is No Saving Faith In Deadly Doubt
Which Renders Courage A Hard Sell! 
Hard-Back Turtles Don't Shuttle Around Soft Shells! 

There Is No Love In Hate
And There Is No Hate In Love!
Jesus Christ Is The Lover Of My Soul
But Satan Desires Me To Love Sin
And Leave The King Of Love's Safe Fold!

A Runner From Salvation
Can't Walk Into The Promised Land
But A Sinner Desiring Salvation
Will Always Find The Helping Hand Of 
The Holy Son Of Man!

"Let No One Deceive You!"
Are The Master's Plain Words To Us
And I Beseech You, Therefore, Brethren
To Heed The Our Master's Call
And Take In The Living Truth Of Almighty God
That With Diligent Use
Shall Surely Feed And Save Us!

Truth Is Eternal
Lies Can't Bless!
Jesus Christ Is Loving Lord
Almighty God
Kind King
So Let Us With Joy And Gladness
His Wonderful Praises Sing:
He Is Our Everything! 

We Have A Charge From On High ...


Despite What The World Would Have Us Believe
Truth Is Not Relative, Nor Subjective
Definitely Not A Merchantable Commodity 
For Each Human To Have His Or Her "Own Truth!" 

Jesus Christ Is The Truth! 
He Is The Lord Of Life 
He Desires Us To Walk In Him ... In The Truth
So That We Are Ever Blessed! 

It Is Not Easy To Walk Against The Prevailing Current Of Lies
Compromise And Deceit 
By Almighty God's Great, Available, Grace We Can 
Truth Always Being Told, We Must 
We Are To Arrive Safely At The Heavenly Home! 


We Have An Expectation From The Living God 
So Let Us Watch And Pray 
Be Faithful To Our Lord, The King
No Matter The Cost! 
Almighty God's Glory Awaits Us! 

Our Enduring Faith Shall Ensure That
We Shall Not Only View The Heavenly
We Shall Inhabit That Beautiful Land! 

Thought For The Week Ahead:

No Matter What Annoys You
Offends You
Or Torments Your Body Or Your Mind
Remember That You Are Not Alone 
That Angels Watch Over You! 

Jesus Christ Is Lord
He Loves You
Has Made His Spirit Available To You
So Ask ... In Your Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day 
For The Holy Spirit To Fall Upon You


Keep The Holy Faith! 

We Have The Blessed Hope: Our Father Is In Heaven! 

1 comment:

  1. I Am Buying Truth From King Jesus And Will Not Sell It For All The Tea In China!


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