
Sunday, March 29, 2020


Psalm 51:1-3 KJV | Psalm 51, Psalms, Cleanse me

When You Know That You're In The Wrong
Having Been Caught "In The Act" 
Are Facing The One Who Has The Power Of 
Life And Death Over You
You Do Not Make Demands
Act Arrogantly
Or Speak Disrespectfully! 

When Your Hand Is In The Lion's Mouth 
You Humble Yourself
Ease It Out By Tickling His Beard: You Appease Him! 

With That Said
We, Each, By Our Inherited Sinful Natures
Personally Cultivated Tendencies
Have Offended The Holy God 
So Let Us Search Our Souls
Seek After Christ While He Is To Be Found
Confess And Repent Of Known Sin Enthusiastically 
With Unfeigned Humility
Submit To Almighty God
Sue For Peace That Is Presently Still Available! 

The Prince Of Peace, Himself
Is The Sinner-Man's
Pro Bono
Never Lost A Case
Personal Attorney!

Remember ...

Believe God, Obey, And Humbly Pray
Ask For A Blessing ... And Receive It
Seek God ... And Find Him
Knock  Confidently ... And Heaven's Gate To You Shall Open! 

Brethren, Beloved

These Are The Last Days
We Need To Get Right With The Living Holy God! 

We Need To Search The Scriptures 
Our Own Souls ... Diligently! 

We Must, Must, Must, Seek After Almighty God
After The Lord Christ
His Righteousness ... Courageously, Doggedly, Unrestrainedly!

Put Your Heart Into It ...

To Go After Christ's Righteousness 
Your Heart Must Desire It!
To Receive Christ's Righteousness 
You, Personally, Must Take It
From That Holy Hand Extending Perfect Love 
Available Grace
By Exercising Your Free Will
Aggressively Utilizing Your Gift Of Choice 
For This Great Blessing! 

We Must Be Truly Wise 
Willingly Submit To God
Vigorously, Vehemently, Vociferously Resist 
The Damned-For-Eternity, Dangerously-Deceitful, Devil
That God-Fraud 
Who Can't Do Anything Good To Or For Any Of Us! 

We Need To Be Bold
Appear Boldly At The Throne Of Grace
In The Court Of Heaven 
Sue For Peace! 

You Have A Personal
Open Invitation:
Use It!

Jesus Christ Paid The Price To Give Us, Each
The Right To Appear By Faith In The Father's Holy Presence
So, Beloved Purchase-Of-God
Get To Stepping
Go Get Your Gown And Your Crown! 

This Earth 
Is Not 
Our Home
So To Be A Part Of The Safe Fold Of God
Let's Get On Board 
The Olde And Sure Ship Of Zion
That's Unerringly Glory-Bound! 
Soon ... Very Soon
The Trumpet Of The Lord God Almighty Shall Sound!

1 comment:

  1. The More That I Know Of Jesus Christ The Lord, And Hold Him In Godly Fear, The Less I Fear The Doings Of The Devil Who Cannot Do Me Anything That The Lord Does Not Allow! By My Father's Great Grace Toward Me, I Ignore That Satan By Sticking To The Living Word Of God, The "Thus Saith The Lord!" And By Not Trusting What My Ears Hear, What My Skin Feels, Or The Look Of The Things That Are Happening Because I Know ... Of A Surety ... That The Living God Does The Truth Always Reveal! My Jesus Heals, Helps, Saves And Seals And, Glory Be To Jesus Christ, I Do Not On This Earth Walk Alone: Holy Angels Excelling In Strength, Who Are Ministering To Us Who Shall Be The Inheritors Of Christ's Salvation, Are Vigilantly Watching Over Me And Influencing Me To Do What Is Good And Right In Almighty God's Holy Sight! I Am Blessed ... And I Know It! Thank You, Lord Jesus!


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