
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Confess ... And Repent!?!

Confession Is Good For The Sin-Sick Soul!
Repentance Is Good If You Desire
In Sin
Not To Become Hardened, Hard-Hearted, Cold!


Confession Cannot Be Coerced ...!

... Why Not!?! Isn't It The Way To Get A Guilty Plea!?!

You May Get A Guilty Plea
The Person Confessing Does Not Acknowledge
Believe Or Accept That He Is Guilty!
He Just Wants To Be Left Alone
He Does Not Acknowledge That
He Knows That He Is A Sinner 
Or That Jesus Christ Paid ... Unfairly
With His Innocent Blood
To Purchase A Pardon For All Mankind
And More Particularly ... Get This
All Those Individuals
Who Know That They Are Sinners
That They Are Guilty Of Sin
That They Are Sorry For Their Sin
That They Need Forgiveness
That They Need Cleansing
That They Need The Savior
That They Believe The Savior Saves
That They Believe The Savior Can Personally Save Them
That They Believe The Purchased Salvation Is Real
That They Believe The Salvation Is Fixed
That It Fixes Them In Their Need
Helps Them To Freely Walk Away From Sin ... Forever


It Gets Them Homed And Housed!


Yes, Ollie!?!

Would You Please, I Beseech You
Explain What You Mean By Homed And Housed 
Because You Are Making It Seem Like That Sinner Is 
Holding A Piece A Prison!?!

Far From It!
By That Stellar Move
He Is Adopted Into The Family Of The True, Living, Holy
Eternal, Giving, Forgiving, Blessing, Just, Jealous, God
Welcomed Into The Home Circle
Assigned A Personal Place
In One Of The Many Mansions
In The Father's House!

If What You Say Is Bible Truth ...!

... It Is ... !

... Then We Have A Serious Problem!

I Really Don't See How We Have A Problem:

We Sin!
We Pick Our Pay Check: Death
If We Acknowledge That We Are Sinners
We Have A Savior! 

When We Confess Our Known Sins
We Take The Hand Of The Savior
We Repent ... Turn Away From That Sin
The Savior Gives Us The Personal Pardon
The Savior Cleanses Us Of Our Own Sin
We Walk In The Newness Of His Holy Life
We ... Former Strangers ... Are Adopted
We Receive The Deed To The New Residence
Nobody In Our Father's House
Creeps Around Us Watching, Waiting
They Are Expecting Us To Go And Sin Again! 

The Problem Still Remains! 
The Current Voicings In The Public Square, Say That
Telling People, Calling People Sinners
Is Not Kind Nor Gentle! 
It Hurts People's Feelings
And It Makes Them Very Sad! 

I Know! 
A Priest Was Given A Backseat For 
Offending A Family By Calling Their Son
- Who Committed Suicide - 
A Sinner At The Funeral! 

Time's Getting Short! 

Sin's Getting Long In The Tooth! 
Ignoring Sin
Reframing Sin
Repackaging Sin
Is Not Going To Change Sin
Is Not Going To Make Sin Good
Is Not Going To Make Sin Cheap
Is Not Going To Make The Consequence Palatable ... Soft
Is Not Going To Reverse The Cost Of Sin To Almighty God
Is Not Going To Put Jesus Christ's Innocent Blood Back In His Veins
Is Not Going To Turn Satan Into A Saint
Is Not Going To Cause Sin The Human Soul Not To Taint
Is Not Going To Make The Lake Of Fire 
A Poster With Red Paint
So Be Bold ... And Be Humble
Confess Your Sin
Admit That You Tumbled
Repent And By God's Grace
Turn Your Life Around
In The Day Of Accounts
Paid In Full
Against Your Cleansed Name
Shall Surely Be Surely Found! 

I Believe We Should Tell This Story Around The Town! 

Jesus Christ Is Coming 
He Will Be Here Before Very Long! 

Think About It:

Image result for 1 peter 4:14 kjv

The Servant Is Not Above His Master! 
Jesus Christ Was Evilly Spoken Of 
We Who Bear The Name
Practice The Ways 
Live The Blessed Christian Life 
Shall Certainly Hear Many Bad Words Uttered Against Us! 

The Christian Life Is Not A Style: 
Styles Change As Man's Tastes 
Temperaments Change! 

The Christian Life 
A Reason For Living ... For Being
A Cause For Celebration
The Path To Glory
The Way Home To Our Father
Who Lovingly Calls Us To His Bosom ... To His Heart 
Which Will Not Leave Us Alone 
To Suffer For His Name's Sake! 

Be Glad
Lift High The Cross Of Jesus 
Who Is Coming To Take His Faithful Ones 
To The Glorious, Forever, Home! 

Gladly Live For Jesus
Be Forever Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I Know That I A Born Sinner But I Have Been Saved Because The Lord Of Life Who Loves Me Died To Save Me, And I Am Saved Because I Choose To Believe That The Word Of The Lord Is True And His Promises Sure: By The Grace Of God, I Follow The Lord Christ!


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