
Friday, March 27, 2020


Happy Sabbath Family! #HappySabbath #CreationSabbath #pause ...

... Word Hearer
Will Doer
Were Arguing! 
To Be Strictly Honest
Word Hearer Was Doing The Usual Philosophising 
Romanticising The Living Truth Of 
The Eternal Sage Of The Ages
As He Played Semantics Employing The Tactics Of 
The Illuminated Ones! 

I Thought You Said He's A Christian! 

He Pays The Tithe
Gives Freewill Offerings
Is A Lay Preacher
Is On The Missionary Band And The Singing Band
Does Yoeman Service In The Community ...! 

... Okay, Okay! 
He's A Paragon Of Virtue! 
He's A Right-Diligent Busy-Bee ...! 

... And He Wouldn't Let Will Doer Forget It! 

Okaaay!  He's One Of "Those!" 

And He's Right Proud Of It! 

Has Anybody Told This Paragon Of Virtue 
About Phariseeism!?! 

I'm Going To Pretend That 
That Question Has Not Been Posed
Refer You To The Good Book! 

I'll Take That Referral Any Day Of The Week!

Matthew 7:21 KJV | God prayer, Kjv, Daily bible verse

The Lord Says That He Will Bless Us 
He Does! 

We Are Blessed Every Day 
Whether We Believe in The Lord And His Word, Or Not! 
The Lord Does Exactly What He Says He Will Do! 

The Word ... Made Flesh
Who Dwelt Amongst Us
Does Not Lie!

We Say That We Worship God
That We Trust Jesus
That We Are Spirit-Filled
We Lie 
We Worship God As We Personally Please
Trust Jesus Christ ... Sometimes
We Are Spirit-Filled When It Is Socially Convenient!
In The Name Of All That's Holy
Let's Just Stop With The Games-Playing!

The Lord God Is True
But Every Man Is A Liar!

I Hear That! 

No Sometimey, When Convenient
Self-Serving, Own-Way, "Christian" 
Mouthing Sweet Nothings In The Public Sphere 
Will Enter Heaven's Glorious Atmosphere!

Please Be Reminded That Self Is A Sinner
Just Like Lucifer Nka Satan
The Self-Centered Person 
His Own God!

The Eternal God
Mighty To Save
Jealous For His Holy Name
Will Not Share His Glory
With Another!


We Cannot Worship Two Masters!
We Cannot Bless And Curse At The Same Time!
We Cannot Speak Truth And Live Lie!
We Cannot Praise God
His Sovereign Will Deny


With That Being Plainly Said
I Clearly State To Us Every One That
It Is Time For Us To Forego The Wishy-Washy
I'm Worldly And I'm A Christian Nonsense!

It Is Time To Genuinely Worship God Almighty
By Loving, Holy, Thoughts
With Honest Words 
Through Uncorrupted Deeds 
Out Of A Faith-Filled Heart 
Powered By The Complete Word Of Truth 
Of Our Amazing God Who Sacrificially Loves Us All
Personally And Individually! 

Let's Let Our Love Be Always On The Job! 
Let's Do The Will Of Our All-Knowing
All-Seeing, Ever-Present, God 
By Wisely Following All Of The Living, Holy, Word! 
Heaven Awaits Us! 
Without It, Beloved
There Will Be No Perfect Peace!

The Word Of God Almighty
States The Will Of God Almighty!
Believe And Follow
The Word Of God Almighty
You Shall Surely Obey And Do
The Will Of God Almighty:
There Is No Other Way To Be Saved
Into The Living Kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Commit The Keeping Of My Soul To You As I Choose To Daily Walk In Your Will, Doing What You Say, Even If I Suffer: I Follow The Lord Christ ... Please Help Me To Always Do What Is Good And Right In Your Holy Sight!


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