
Thursday, March 5, 2020

THE FORMULA: The Struggle Of The Christian


This Is How The Formula
For The Struggle Of The Christian Goes:

Sense Aka What I Feel 
Versus Faith Aka What I Daily Receive, Have And Exercise
Fear Aka Ungodly Fear
Versus Hope Aka The Lord Is My Portion Saith My Soul
Therefore Will I Trust In Him! 
The Blessed Assurance!

What The Christian Often Does ...

He Complains To The Lord About His  Present Conditions
And Then 
He Remembers Whose Child He Is
He Immediately Comforts Himself 
Regarding His Future Estate


Life Being What It Is
He Recycles, Rinses, And Re-Uses
His Complaints And His Comforts 
- We Need To Study About The Prophet Jeremiah -

And Ultimately

Watching, Waiting, Faith That 
Works Because Of Love ... Wins!

The Facts Remain ... 

I Am ... You Are ... A Christian!
We Are Christians
I Pray To The Father That That Is
 By Name And By Nature!

Let's Make This Really Personal!

I Have Personal Experience!
I Know The Lord!
He Hears ... And Answers ... My Prayers
I've Seen His Hand Work In The Lives Of Others!

The Father Is Faithful
And He Has Promised ... In Blood
Never To Leave You Nor Forsake You!

The Lord God Almighty Says:

Be Obedient!
Endure ... To The End!

Even In The Low Dungeon ... That Place Of Despair
With No Lower Place To Descend To Than Death
I Will Raise My Voice In ... Lamentation
Then A Psalm Of Praise
Then I Will Share The Wisdom 
Found In Isaiah 41: 10, 13, 14
I Have Living Experience
I Will Rest In The Song Of Solomon 
In The Book Of Daniel The Prophet
In The Revelation Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
By The Hand Of Apostle John The Aged!

In Short
We Are To Recognize And Know That We Have A Future!

I Know That I Have An Expected End
So Do All Of Us Who Choose To Accept The Promise!

The Father  ... By The Master
Has Promised All His People
A Prepared Home In Glory Land!

My God Is Omniscient!
My God Hears All!
My God Sees All!
My God Knows All!
My God Is In All!
My God Judges All
As For Me
Because I Trust In Him ... In His Living Word
Because I Claim ... Believe ... The Promises
Because I Know His Hand
Of Love
Of Chastisement
Of Correction
Of Protection
Of Direction
Of Providence
Of Blessing ... For Confession Of Sin
For Repentance For Known Sin
For Choosing Him As My Everlasting Portion
Who Knew Me Before I Was
Who Ordained My Position
Who Called Me To His Side
He Shall Be ... He Is ... My King
My Lord, My God, My Hope, My Help
My Salvation 
My Redeemer
I Shall Press On To The Mark
To My High Calling
My God Ever Lives To Make Intercession For Me
I Personally Know He Cares For Me ... Personally!

We Should All Be Personalizing This Effort! 

Our Father Says: Children, Fear Not! 
Our Faith Says: Father, We Trust Your Word! 
Our Feelings Say: But, What If!?! 
Our Enemies Say: There Is No God! 
Our Hope Says: In Godly Fear Is Great Reward! 
Our Obedience Says: I Know In Whom I Believe
I Live For Him Who Cares For Me! 

The Lord Is My Light ... My Salvation
The Strength Of My Life
I Will Not Be Afraid 
He Knows My Name, My Voice
My Heart, My Condition
I Know His Sacrificial Love
I Will Lovingly Do As He Lovingly Bids Me! 

I Trust In Jesus Christ The Lord 
I Will Endure All Things 
For He Is Health And Cure! 
I Will Not Fear Man Nor The Devil: 
I Hold The Living God In Godly Fear
I Will Unceasingly Pray! 

Jesus Christ Is My ... Is Our ... Perfect Peace! 

Peace Be Still!
Oh, How Glorious It Is To A God
In Whom We Can Trust To Strengthen Us ...!

... And Trust To Carry All Of Our Burdens
As Long As We Trust And Obey His Word!


To Reiterate And Reinforce
Please Recognize The Viable Keys To The Kingdom:

Trust The Word ... Not The Lying Eye! 
Obey The Will Of God 
Don't Walk In The Corrupt, Selfish, Self-Pitying Way! 

When You Trust And Obey
You Will Endure!

The Lord Has Made The Way Plain ... And Perfect!

Oh, That Men Would Praise The Lord 
For His Goodness To The Children Of Men! 

Let's Thank God For Grace Now
And Coming Glory To Share!

He Is Good ... And Forever Faithful! 

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