
Friday, April 17, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Might, Right And Unfair Fights!?!

Mark 2:27-28 KJV (27) And he said unto them, The sabbath was made ...

Don't Blight Your Eternal Prosperity
By Indulging Known Sin In The Here And Now
Don't Wallow In The Mire Like The Unwashed Sow
Permit Satan To Exclaim:
"I've Gotcha Now!"


This Is Not The Time
To Indulge In Complacency!
This Is Not The Time
To Act Indifferent And Spacey!
Your Adversary, The Devil
Constantly Sharpening His Appetite
Manufacturing New Ways And Means
To Destroy Your Life
In An Unfair Fight!

Back It Up, Brudda Mann!
How Is It An Unfair Fight:
We're Not Fighting In Our Own Strength!
We're Serving The Lord Christ!
He Fights Our Battles!

Who Is Satan!?!

A Powerful ... Created ... Being
The Destroyer! 
A Malevolent Spirit
The Wicked Whisperer
The Adversary Of Souls!

Who Is The Lord Christ!?!

The Savior ... Of Every Man
The Kinsman Redeemer
The Creator Of All Living
Be It In The Seen Or Unseen Realm!

Who Are You ... We!?!

Weak, Fallible ... Created ... Beings
Repentant Sinners ... Saved By Amazing Grace

So What Would You Call Those Persons
Who Will Not Follow The Lord Christ
By Taking Advantage Of His Strong Arm!?!

Sinners ...!

... Lost And Twice-Dead Men ...!

... I Call Them Fools
Using Dull Knives As A Nuclear Bomb Deterrent
Calling Cherry-Bomb Explosions Sparklers
Trusting Good-Time Lies
Over Sacrificial-Life's Truth
Condemned ... And Damned
For Refusing To Bow Under The Rod Of Correction
Preferring To Burn
Than On The Straight And Narrow
In Humility To Walk
Forswearing Pride And Arrogancy!

I'd Call Them Toast! 

I Still Don't Get How The Fight Is Unfair!

The Fight Is "Unfair"
The Adversaries Are Unequal:
Fallen Humans Are Not Equal
To Either Sin Or Satan
Satan Is Not Equal To God!

Can Flesh ... In Its Own Strength
Fight Against The Spirit Realm ... And Win!?!

Of Course Not!
That's An Unfair Fight!

Can Spirit Fight Spirit!?!

Of Course!
Remember Angel Gabriel's Account Of
The Resistance By The Prince Of Persia For 21 Days!

Okay, So Who Helped To Save ... 
Who Saved The Day!?!

Prince Immanuel
Michael, The Arch-Angel
Jesus Christ The King ... The Creator!

Can The Creature Overcome His Creator
Who Made Him ... Flesh Or Spirit!?! 
Can Satan Overcome The Lord!?! 

Not Likely 
Not Possible
Not In This Life ... Nor The Life To Come! 

Isn't That An Unfair ... Unequal ... Fight!?! 

I'd Say So! 

Satan Picked And Started The Fight
That He Knew He Could Not Win!

Illusions Of Grandeur Will Do That To A Person
Every Single Day!

Poor Thing!

Don't Feel Sorry For Him! 
Satan Would Kill You In A Minute ... A Heart-Beat
The Lord Permitted Him To! 


Satan Against The Lord Christ ... The Creator God
Like Fallen Man Against Rapacious Sin:
It's An "Unfair" Fight 
It Can't Be Won
By Neither Satan Nor You!

Look, Let's Get Real Here:
Satan Hates Almighty God
Father, Son And Holy Ghost!
Satan Hates You ... You Worship The Almighty
He Knows That You Are Desperately Weak 
Without The Saving Grace And Mercy Of Almighty God
Fighting Your Battles For You! 
His Every Effort
To Separate Us From Our Father God!
Remember How He Stood Between Peter And Jesus!

And Jesus Put Him In His Place!

Satan Exercises Cruel Might ... On A Short Leash ... In Time!
The Savior-God Utilizes Saving Right ... In Eternity!
Right Wins No Matter What Might Does ...! 

... Not By Might
... Nor By Power
But By My Spirit
Saith The Lord Of Hosts! 

"Spirit Of The Living God
Fall Afresh On Me!"
I Love That Hymn!

So What Happens To Those Sinners
Who Know Not The Lord!?! 

They're Playing, Partying, With Team Fraud
We All Know The End Of That Story:
Team Fraud "Wins" A Berth In The Lake
Burning With Brimstone And Fire! 

I Prefer The ... My ... New Birth! 
With Jesus Christ ... My Creator
Savior, Redeemer, Friend
I Am Climbing Up Higher And Higher:
He Does My Life Defend
And In Him, I Shall Enjoy Life Without End! 


Think About It:

Psalm 25:4-5 KJV. My prayer each day. | Psalms, God prayer

We Are Under Attack
Now, More Than Ever
In This Season Of Distress
We Need To Cry Out To Our Heavenly Father 
To Teach Us How To Live
To Show Us The Right Way To Walk To Gain His Approval
To Lead Us Unto His Green Pastures
So That Our Footsteps Do Not Slip
Nor Our Faith Fail
We Slide Into Abject Folly! 

We Do Not Just Get Up And Decide That 
We Are Going To Sin: It Is A Creeping Compromise
A Series Of Little Offsides That 
We Consider NBD AKA No Big Deal That 
Leads Us Into Sin 
So Let Us Endeavor To Guard Our Hearts 
By Permitting Our Lord Jesus To Lead Us
Guide Us, Teach Us
Feed Us On His Holy Truth 
So That We May Reach The Father's House
- The Home Of The Forever-Blessed - 
Safely Secured For Everlasting Peace And Rest! 

Please Let Go Of Self ... That Bold Sinner
Hold On To Our Dear Savior For Dear Life: 
Believe, Pray, Trust, Endure
Wait On His Love! 
Glory Awaits Us! 

Satan Has Nothing In You
As Long As You Separate Yourself
From Your Self
And From Sin!

We Are Strongest
When We, Weak
Lean On The Lord Of Life!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ Is My Light, My Salvation, And The Strength Of My Life, And So I Can Say To The Devil With All The Confidence Of Exercised Holy Faith That Cannot Fail: "In The Name Of Jesus Christ My Lord, The King, Get Thee Behind Me, Satan!


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