
Thursday, April 9, 2020

REMEMBER THE HOLY GOD + Prayer For Those Sickened By Corona Virus

Psalms 50:22-23 (KJV) | Psalms, Book of psalms, Famous quotes


Many Of Us Walk Around Blithely Saying:
"God Is Love!" 
He Is 
He Is Also The God Of Justice: 
His Attributes Cannot Be Separated From Each Other
Nor From God, Himself! 

Our Mothers May Forget Us 
Our God Almighty Cannot 
That Is Why His Justice 
Tempered With Freely-Given Mercy 
Because Of 
The Grace 
- The Unmerited, Presently-Available, Favor -
Purchased For Us On Mount Calvary! 

Our God ... Our Loving Heavenly Father
Cannot Forget Us 
So Let Us Not Fail To Remember Him Always 
Give Him His Due Honor, Worship
Heartfelt Praise! 

We Are In Trouble: The Lord, Alone, Can Help Us! 
Let Us Humble Ourselves 
Worship And Bow Down 
Before Our Maker, Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Promises To Heal, To Help
To Save And Seal Us! 

Pride Goes Before The Fall: It's Time To Forget Self
To Forsake Sin
Be Repentant And Humble! 

It's Time To Lovingly Remember Our Holy God 
Who, Alone
Grants Us Health And Cure 
Against All That Assails Us! 
Let's Pray! 


Heavenly Father,
There Is A Plague Among Us
You Are The Great Physician
So, In Faith
Nothing Wavering 
We Boldly Bring Our Beloved Brethren
To Your Throne Of Grace 
Where You Have Promised Grace To Be Given 
To Help Us In Our Time Of Need! 


We Are In Need
We Plead For 
The Healing That Is In Your Wings! 

Please Heal This Dear One's Body

According To Your Will And In Your Way
And Save Them, Dear Lord
From The Second Death:
Please Heal Mind And Spirit As Well! 


You Have Given Unto Us
The Measure Of Faith
We Choose In This Trying Hour
To Use Our Gift Of Faith
In Our Beloved's Behalf!
We Pray For Strength That
They May See Jesus Christ As He Is
Our Savior, Lord, God, High Priest, King
Our Intercessor
Before Your Great White Throne!

We Pray For Courage For Them

To Reach For The Extended Hand Of Hope 
Offering Help
To Make The Commitment 
To Be With The Light Of Life
Who Gives Us Life!


We Also Pray For This Dear One
The Blessed Opportunity 
To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin 
To Take Jesus Christ
For Their Everlasting Portion 
While This Life Shall Last! 

You Promised Us Help
By Clearly Stating That

It Is Not Your Wish That
Any Of Us Should Perish
But That We All Should Come To Repentance:
We Are Believing You
Trusting You At Your Holy Word!
Pity Us, Father!
We Can't Do This On Our Own!

Please Lift Us Up So That We May Lift You Up

Please Help Us To Praise Jesus 
Glorify Your Holy Name
As Befits A Child Of The Great King! 

Oh, Lord

We Love You
We Desperately Need You
We Sincerely Pray For Health And Healing
For The Friends And Relations
The Well-Wishers And The Naysayers
The Brethren By Blood, By Faith, By Affection
Those Seen And Unseen
Those Known And Unknown
Those Who Are Near
Those Who Are Far Away!
We All Are In Need Of
Your Loving, Holy, Care!

Our Need, Dear Father, Is Urgent

In Humility
With Hearts Contrite
Truly Sorrowing Over Sin
Which Has Brought Shame And Reproach
Upon Your Great Name:
We Repent And Confess
Ask You To Keep Your Promise
To Forgive Us And To Cleanse Us
Of All Unrighteousness!

Please, Dear Father
Remember Also
All The Doctors And Nurses
The Medical Technologists
Maintenance Workers
Law Enforcement Officers
All Who Minister Your Grace
To Each And Every One Of Us!

Please Also Remember
The Ministers Of Government
The Ministers Of The Gospel Of Truth
The Praying People
All Who Look For
Love Your Appearing!

We Cannot Help Ourselves

We Cannot Help Any Other Soul
Without Your Blessing
And, So, Father
It Is On You That
We Place This Sore Burden
Plead The Blood Of Jesus Christ
Your Only Begotten Beloved Son
Who Paid The Price For Our Sin
Purchased For Us
Free And Available Access
To Your Throne Of Grace!

Please Have Mercy
Bless And Heal

Save Us 
For We Believe That You, Alone, Can!

Please Bless Us, Lord
Even As We Make Our Petition
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
That Dear Name That Is Above All Names
In Heaven Above And Earth Beneath!
We Hold You In Godly Fear:
Please Come For Us Soon!

1 comment:

  1. No Matter What Happens In This Life, The Author Of Life Welcomes The Prayer Of Faith!
    Dear Father,
    You Who Lovingly Hear And Always Answer Prayer
    Please Hear My Helpless Cry For Salvation, And Have Mercy Upon Us!


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