
Monday, April 27, 2020

TRUST JESUS CHRIST: Follow The Way-Maker!

I Have A Ruler And A Compass!
I Have A Plate, A Fork, A Spoon And A Knife!
I Have A Map 
I Have Been Befriended By The Map-Maker
Who Pledges To Lead And Direct Me Through Life!

I Have Peculiar Problems!
I Am Loved By And Love The Problem-Solver God!
I Have A Raging Enemy Cruel
I Have The Holy Defender As My Master And My Lord!

As Long As I Use My Ruler
Who Has Called Me To His Side
My Plate Will Always Have Food 
My Fork Will Dig Out The Worms Of Sin
My Spoon Will Scoop Up The Soup That Is Returned To Me
For Having Cast My Blessed Bread Upon The Waters 
My Knife, My Sword
The Word
Will Separate Me From The Sin That Kills From Within!

My Map 
Upon Stone Engraved
By The One Who Who Could Not Be Held Captive By The Grave
The Very One Who Is The Map-Maker Supreme
The One Who Says To Me:

Be Thou Clean!

I Have A Charge To Keep
A Way To Walk
A Destination To Arrive At Safely
I Willingly Chose The Right Fork
In The Glory Road
The Strait And Narrow Way
To Commendation Hall
And Not To
Condemnation Falls!

My Ruler 
My Wise Companion For My Walk Through This Mortal Life
My Master To Direct Me 
My Servant To Feed Me As I Serve Him
My King To Crown My Life As I Honor Him
The One Upon Whom I May Safely Call
For All
For Everything! 

I Learnt To Trust My Ruler
- The Mark-Maker ... The Way-Maker -
I Am Daily Trusting My Ruler 
In All Facets Of My Life
I Am Blessed! 

Think About It ...

PPT - Matthew Chapter 18 PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

Children Are Amazing! 
Watching A Young Child Trusting A Beloved, Caring, Parent 
Makes Your Heart Glad As You Watch Them Ask To Be Lifted Up
To Be Caused To Fly As You Play Airplane
To Be Tossed Higher And Higher
Seemingly Blissfully Unaware That One Wrong Move, One Slip
Could Cause Serious Injury ... Or Worse! 

All That Child Seems To Know Is That Mommy, Daddy
Flying The Airplane
That With Them In Control All Is Well
That Nothing Can Harm Them In Their Parent's Care
That The Love They See, Feel, Experience And Know 
Real, True, Present, Accounted For And 
That Nothing Can Steal Their Joy From Them! 


We, As Christians, Need To Be Converted 
From The Ways Of The World That 
Peddle Doubt, Distrust, Disbelief
Be As The Little Child 
When We Commit Our Ways, Our Lives, Our Time
To The Lord Jesus Christ 
We Know That The Sacrificial Love He Has For Us 
The Love That Will Never Let Us Go To Hell In A Hand-Basket 
As A Result Of His Failure To Care, Share, Prepare And Provide! 

Close Your Eyes To Sinning 
Open Your Heart And Hands For Your Blessing: 
Jesus Christ Saves! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Ruler
Our King
Our Map-Maker
Our Way-Maker
Who Works Unceasingly
For Our Salvation:
Give Him Glory, Honor And Praise!

1 comment:

  1. Of My Own Free Will, I Freely And Confidently, Yet Humbly, Choose To Follow After The Lord Christ Who, Alone, Points Out And Leads Me To My Father Who Is In Heaven: By The Grace Of God, I Shall Surely Reach My New Home Safely! Thank You, Lord!


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