
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Foundations Are Required


To Build A Strong House
One Must Have A Firm Foundation
Proper Supporting Materials! 

To Be Able To Live In
To Be Established In That House
The House Needs To Have Been Purpose-Built
To Fit One's Needs 
The Legal Requirements! 

To Be Safe From Evil, We Need The Lord! 
To Know The Lord, We Need The Word Of The Lord! 
For The Lord To Keep Us
- To Establish Us In The Truth -
We Must Believe The Word Is True
The Giver Truthful 
We Must Act Upon It! 

We Are Called To Be Patient 
To Wait Upon The Lord! 
To Wait Upon The Lord 
We Must Daily Exercise The Faith That 
He Daily Gives To Us! 


We Must Permit Patience ... That Blessed Virtue
To Do Her Work In Our Hearts 
So That Our Faith May Be Perfected ... Rendered Rock Solid
Firm Against Satan, Sin, Self 
The Evil Practiced By These Foes! 

Jesus Christ Is The Rock Of Our Salvation: 
Please Rest The Rock Of Your Gift Of Faith Upon Him 
Wait Patiently For Your Inheritance! 

Disobedience Destroys: 
Please Remember That The Obedience Of Faith, Frees 
Faithful Waiting ... Faithful Patience 
Patiently Waiting In Faithfulness Pays! 
We Have An Expected End: Wait For It! 
Let Nothing Steal Your Joy In Jesus!

Remember The Promise ...

They That Wait Upon The Lord
Shall Renew Their Strength ...!
Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. My Firm Foundation Is Jesus Christ, The Lord Of Life, The Light Of Every Man!


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