
Friday, May 15, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Free Salvation: A.P.P.S

Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + GAME-CHANGER: Love ...

Pin by Socorro Martinez on KJV 1611 ✝️ BIBLE | Isaiah bible ...

There's An Old Expression That Says
To Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth!
The Lord Is Not A Gift Horse
The Lord Doesn't Age
The Lord Doesn't Bite
The Gifts Of The Lord Of Life Are Good 
Without Expiration Date
Without Best By Date
Without Use By Date
Perfectly Perfect
We Are Well-Advised To Accept Them 
Without Any Fear
Included In His Perfect Gifts To Freely Given To Us
His Gift Of Love Which Casts Out All Fear!

Let Us Be Wise
Wise Unto To Salvation
Let Us Not Sell Ourselves Short
By Rejecting The Gift That Gives!


Salvation Is Promised To Us By Him Who Cannot Lie!
Salvation Was Purchased For Us By Him Who Chose To Die
Salvation ... Free Salvation ... Is Provided To Us
Who Love The Truth 
Refuse To Live Like Carrion Flies
All Who Will To See Jesus Christ In Peace 
Must Procure Aka Work Out Their Own Soul's Salvation 
Through The Practice Of 
Living In Peace With Every Man ... Where Possible! 

Our Jesus ... The Prince Of Peace
Brought To This Earth A Two-Edged Sword That 
Cuts Out Sin Coming Into Our Hearts 
Cuts A Clean Path For Righteousness To Walk Upon 
As It Is Going Back To The Lord! 

The Sword Of The Lord 
The Word Of The Lord Which He Has Declared 
Will Not Return To Him Void ... Empty
Will Accomplish 
The Mission Which He Has Sent It To Perform In Us! 


The Lord Has Given To Each Of Us Willing
The Ability, Power, Patience, And Strength 
To Use His Word ... His Sword
To Help Ourselves 
To Bless Others 
As We Practice Peace With Our Brethren 
On Our Way To The Grand Performance That Proves That 
We Have The Sure Salvation ... Peace With The Eternal God! 

We Are Daily Equipped With Jesus' Holy Faith: 
Use It ... Or Lose It! 

Please Remember That 
There Is No Salvation, No Grace, No Mercy
And For Sure
No Glory To Come 
Without The Exercise Of Our Daily Gift Of Holy Faith! 

Please Believe That Jesus Christ Is
That He Sacrificially Loves Us
Desires That None Of Us Be Lost
That All Should Come To Repentance!
Salvation Is Free: Grab Hold Of It For Dear Life! 
Peace Be Unto You!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Has Promised To Love Me Forever And, By His Great Grace Towards Me, I Intend To Be In The Grand Reunion So That I Can Love Him Forever ... For All Eternity! Thank You, Lord, For The Free Salvation!


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