
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sowers Always Reap What They Sowed!

Despite What Is Widely Published
In The Galleria Of The Mall Of Sin
What A Person Sows
Exactly What The Person Will Reap!
We've Got Bible For That
Bible Don't  ... Can't ... Lie!

Isaiah 3:10-11 King James KJV... -


There Are Only Two Paths In This Life:
The Way Of The Ungodly
The Way Of The Righteous
We Who Call Ourselves Christians
Should Be On The Only Path That
Leads To Eternal Life!

Preach It, Brother!

Bitter Water And Sweet Water
Can't Come From The Same Spring
There Ain't No Sinner Unrepentant That
Shall Ever, Ever
Immortality And Eternal Life Be Reaping!


You Tell Them, Brother Berry!

Hold Up, Master Cuddy!
You Might Be ... Nay ... You Are Laboring
Under A Clear Misapprehension!

How So, Brother B.!?!

The Message Is Not For "Them!"
The Message Is For You, Me ... For Us All!

But ...!?!

... Halt Your Butting Right There!
If You Will Permit Me To Be Tad Childish:
When You Are Pointing At Another Person
With Your Pointed-Accusing Index Finger
How Many Of Your Own Fingers
Are Pointing Back At You!?!

Oh, Dear!

Uh, huh!


We Have Been Warned: 
Just As A Man Thinks, So Is He! 

We Have Been Cautioned: Guard Your Heart 
You Go Where It Sends You! 

We Are Encouraged: 
Do Good And Good Will Attend You! 

We Have The Sure Promise: 
The Blessings Of The Lord Make Us Rich 
He Adds No Sorrow To Them! 

We Are Called To Build A House ... A Sure House
Where Righteousness Dwells 
To Be Righteous
To Have The Hand Of The Lord Upon Your Life
Moving You
Motivating You By The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
To Speak 
To Do According To His Holy Will 
In His Blessed Way
To Bless Your Own Soul 
Out Of The Bounty In The Storehouses Of Heaven! 

Remember ...

You Can't Input Garbage Into Your Heart 
Produce Gold: 
GIGO ... Garbage In/Garbage Out! 
Our Computers "Know" This: Shouldn't We!?! 

Let Us Endeavor ... Today
To Live The Righteous Life So That 
We May, Indeed, Enjoy The Fruit
The Blessed Outcome Of Our Doings 
Aka A Home In Glory With Almighty God
With Jesus Christ Our Blessed Lord! 

Please Let The Desire 
To Hear The "Well Done!" From Our Jesus 
Motivate Our Thoughts And Deeds Today! 
If We Don't We Will Never See Him In Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Sow Mercy, Truth, Goodness And Kindness, And Not The Hot Winds Of Strife, Because I Have No Desire To End Up Reaping The Whirlwind Of Payback-Multiplied For Willfully-Cultivated Folly!


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