
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

To Will ... And To Do

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We, Humans
- By Virtue Of Birth -
Have Been Blessed With Free Will 
To Choose To Do The Good, The Bad, The Ugly! 

We May Use Our Will To Oppose The Lord 
Or ... Like King David
We Can Choose To Place Our Will
Our Desires, Hopes, Trust, Faith, Belief
Our Present 
Our Future Into The Hands Of Almighty God
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who, Alone, Saves And Blesses! 


When We Will AKA Give
Our Free Will Unto The God Whose Ways Are Perfect
Choose In All Things To Rely Upon Him ... And His Love 
Even When We Can't See The Way Clear
We Can Rest In The Knowledge That This God
- Our Known-Faithful God -
Will Do All Things Well For Us! 

I Beseech Us All 
To Please Desire ... Will ... To Take The Lord At His Word 
Willfully Choose To Think On Him As He Thinks On Us
Personally, Intimately, Individually
Make Trusting Him 
Calling Upon Him For Everything 
Even Just To Say To Him: 
"Lord, I Love You! 
Please Draw Near!" 
Your Chosen Way To Live! 

The Lord's Love For Us Has No Limits 
So Please Do Not Limit His Ability To Work In Your Behalf 
By Neglecting To Walk According To His Sovereign Will That
Personally Guarantees You The Eternal Blessing! 

Boldly, Humbly, Give Your Will, Your Desire, To The Lord Jesus: 
Infinite Gifts Innumerable
Await All Of Us Whose Wills Are Surrendered To Him!

Remember ... 

All God's Gifts Are Personal!


Man May Oppose God
God ... Almighty God ... Disposes
His Holy Will Is Sovereign!


No Created Being
Frustrate The Plans
The Eternal God:
- That Damned Fallen Angel -
Desperately Tried!

Man Is Made
A Little Lower Than Angels:
Do The Math!

1 comment:

  1. I Will Follow You, Dear Jesus, Wherever In This Life You May Take Me! I Know, By Faith, That Where You Take Me, With Your Servant You Shall Always Be! Please Keep Me Faithful: I Trust You At Your Holy Word!


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