
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

DON'T BE REBELLIOUS: Accept The Holy Call And Be Humble!

Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom cries without; she utters her voice in the ...

The Only Human That Is Beyond 
The Ever-Present Help Of The Eternal Holy God 
The One  

  • Who Refuses To Accept ThatThe Counsels Of The Word Of God Are Truth, Light And Life
  • That Refuses To Acknowledge That All Lawlessness Is Sin And Refuses To Call Sin By Its Real Name
  • That Rejects The Guidance And Chiding Of The Holy Spirit Who Leads Into All Truth 
  • Who Refuses To Humble Themselves Before Their Creator And Chooses To Make Their Willful Self Their Perfect Master, Lord And God


Humility Before Almighty God 
A Mark Of Growing In Grace 
Walking In Available Light That 
Marks The Way To Our Eternal Home! 

Please ... I Beseech Us All
Do Not Indulge In Presumptuous Sin 
Aka Rebellion Which Is As Witchcraft
Known Idolatry! 

Indulge In Cogitation ...

No Matter How Much Man Elevates
Worships Himself
Others Who Indulge In Unholy Boldness
Practice The Base Lifestyle
Fallen Man Will Never Be Holy Or Divine!

The Results Are In ...

We Are Mortal, Finite, Creatures 
Our Creator God, King 
Final Judge 
Infinite And Immortal
Loving, Kind, Giving And ... Forgiving! 

Get A Grip On It ...

Let's Be Wise 
Practice Saying: 

"I Am Weak Without You 
I Am Sorry For My Sin, Father! 
Please Forgive Me 
Help Me To Live By Faith In Your Holy Light 
Choose Always To Do The Good And The Right!" 

The Fact Remains ...

It Is Better To Bend Than To Burn: 
Obey God-Given Godly Counsel And Live! 

Jesus Christ's Perfect Peace
Passes All Human Understanding:
Dare To Be Wise Unto Salvation
Get Yourself A Whole Share
From Him Who
For Your Purchased Soul
Sacrificially Cares! 

Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my ...

1 comment:

  1. The Humble Saint Shall Walk With The High And Holy King In Glory!


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