
Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort ...

When We Testify
We Give A Knowledgeable Account Of 
What We Have Seen, Heard, And Or Experienced! 
When We Exhort
We Seek To Have Our Hearers Understand, Accept 
Act Upon What Is Being Heard! 


We Have Good News To Tell 
We Also Have Good Counsel To Act Upon ... For Ourselves!

We Live In An Untoward Generation
Amongst A People Who Love And Live For Self
Who Denigrate God And Good And Elevate Evil
A Generation Which Sees The Fulfillment Of 
The Lust Of The Flesh 
The Lust Of The Eye 
The Acquisition Of The Pride Of Life 
As Their Only Reasons For Living: 
We Cannot ... As Christians
Walk In That Way Or Operate At That Level! 

Just In Case We Have Are Having
A Momentary "Convenient Memory Moment"
Let Me Remind Us All That
We Serve The King Of Glory ... Jesus Christ The Lord
As Willing, Obedient, Enduringly Faithful Servants 
We Must ... By Grace
Live Lives Which Are Above Reproach!

The Desire For The  
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!"
The Desire To See Our Lord In Peace
The Desire To Be Known As We Are Known
Should Be Seriously Calling Our Names! 
The Love For Our Lord Christ
Should Keep Us All On The Straight And Narrow!


We Are Not To Be Prideful, Hateful
Arrogant, Gainsaying, Doubting, Wicked 
Or Disbelievingly Unruly! 

Our God 
Real And Accessible 
True And Kind ... The King! 

I Beseech Us All, Beloved
Please Let Us So Live That 
We Will Not Be Amongst Those Whom He Shall Judge 

Please Dare To Walk The Easy-Hard Road To Glory 
Even If You Walk There Alone! 
Praying Is Power So Pray! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Lord, To Accept All The Counsels Of The Living Word And To Stand Up Faithfully For Truth And Righteousness No Matter The Personal Cost!


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