
Friday, June 19, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Bread 'N Fish Christianity!?! + PRAYER: Father, Please Help Us To Embrace The Holy Way!

Happy Sabbath Family! #HappySabbath #CreationSabbath #pause ...

... And Then Kevin Unloaded On Her
And Emphatically Called Her A Bread 'N Fish Christian!


Is That All That You Are Going To Say!?!


Come On, Granny Ma!
You Must Have Something To Say About This Abuse!

Well, Since You Insist
I'll Let My Bible Do The Talking For Me!
Jesus Christ's Word Are Always On Point
Then We Will Pray!

Remember ...

The Word Of God Does Not Lie Or Prevaricate!

John 6:26 KJV - Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I ...


The Word Of God Always Edifies
Those Who Are Willing To Be Taught
Those Who Choose To Learn
Desire To Be Led Into The Paths Of Righteousness!

Too Many Of Us Are Only Going After The Lord Christ
We Have Been Told Or Encouraged To Expect That
The Lord Will Prosper Us ... Fatten Us Up
Fill Our Empty Treasure Chests!
Dare To Ask The Lord For Something
Which Will Last For Eternity!

Many Of Us Do Not Love The Lord Or His Word
Many Of Us Are In The Church Of The Living God
To Get The Hook-Up That Will Make People Look-Up To Us
We Have A Lil' Something In The Bank!

I Do Not Understand This Penchant For Worldly Riches
When The Lord Christ Has Clearly Stated That
We Should Store Up Our Treasure In Heaven
Made It Plain That We Shall Walk On Streets Of Gold!
The City Is Pure Gold!

Consider If You Will
What It Will Mean To See Yourself 
All Your Neighbors
Wearing Gold Crowns
Holding And Playing On Gold Harps
Living In A City With Twelve Foundations
Which Are All Of Precious Stones!

I Am Telling Us All ... Plainly
"Only What We Do For Jesus Christ Shall Last!"
So Please Stop Looking At Jesus 
As Though He Is The Butcher
The Baker
The Banker 
The Builder Of Earthly Mansions Which Shall Surely Burn
When He Shall ... In All His Glory
Come To Take His Faithful People To Their Eternal Home!

Do Not Forget ...

Jesus Christ Has Already Done Everything For Us
So Let Us Be Wise ... Unto Soul Salvation
Cease To Hunger After Red Roses And Mortal Man's Royal Riches!


In Faith, Lord
We Come Bearing Burdens To Offload
We Plead With You To Help Us
To Get Our Priorities Straight And In Order!
Please Help Us To Follow The Lord Christ
And Not
Popular Religion That Is Going Into The Dark Night!

Help Us, Dear Father, 
To Love You Because You Loved Us First 
And Not
For The Bread And Fishes
Your Provision By Which We Are Fed! 

Please Help Us To Embrace The Holy Way

The Saving Truth
The Guiding Light 
To Heed The Leading Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- His Guidance And Correction -
Which Will Cause Us Your Heart Ever To Delight! 

Help Us To Embrace The Good Influence

The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
Your Messengers And Our Protection
Who Labour To Help Us 
To Arrive Safely At The Heavenly Home! 

Please Help Us, Dear Father, 

To Accept And Absorb 
The Living, Holy, Word That
Points, Prepares, Prompts 
Draws Us Gently Towards You 
Even As It Steadily Pushes Us Away 
From Self, Sin And Satan! 


We Have Much To Be Grateful For 
We Give You Glory, Thanks And Praise
Plead For The Outpouring 
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit 
So That We Will Be Obedient
Willing To Work
Ever Faithful 
For The Length Of Our Pilgrim Journey
Then Forever! 

Please Comfort And Bless Us 
To Follow Truth
Do Good
Live According To Your Holy Will
In Your Prescribed Way
So That We May Enter Life Eternal

We Believe In And Trust You Wholly! 
We Humbly Ask For These Few Mercies 
In Jesus' Holy Name!
We Love You, Lord!
Please Come For Us Soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Help Me To Ever Remember, Understand, And Accept That When I Give Up The World And Its Follies For Jesus Christ My King, That I Access The Keys To The Eternal Kingdom And Am Infinitely Profited Thereby!


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