
Saturday, June 6, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Self-Medication Trifecta

  Hatred Of Truth
The Drug DHP For Those In The Know
The Self-Medication Trifecta
For The Willful
The Wayward 
The Wanders Bold
The Denizens Of Darkness
Who, Following Base Satan
Wantonly Do As They, Tempted, Are Told!

This Trifecta 
Compromised Of All Prize-Winning Race Horses
Which Have All Won Repeatedly
The Hell And Damnation Stakes
The Forbidden Way Stakes 
The Presumptuous Way Stakes!

The Way Of Those Who Daily Ingest DHP
To Say To Their Creator 
Who Loves Them Sacrificially That They 

"Prefer To Die Beautiful Than To Live Ugly
Aka We Prefer To Die In Known Sin
Doing Our Own Thing In Our Own Way
Than To Permit Salvation And The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Unmask Us In Public And Make Us Spiritually Clean
To Stand In The Presence Of The Good King
Eager To Do The Boring Good And The Non-Electric Right
And No Longer Be Able To Follow Inclination
In Its Soaringly-Exciting Carnal Thrills Of Devilish Delight!"

Just Like Unfair Gains 
Own-Way Thrills Won't, Don't, Can't Prosper The Soul
Who Operates Outside 
The Lord's Safe Safe Fold!

Think, Beloved
Watch Your Step
For There Is A Downward Spiral For All Those
Who Do Not Sin Reject
And Instead
The Way Of Unrighteousness Lovingly Elect! 

Fear Not: There Is Hope! 

Sin Leads To Oppression!
Oppression Borne Through Sorrow Leads To Repentance!
Repentance For Real Leads To Deliverance
Deliverance Contritely Accepted 
Gratefully Cherished
Leads To The Holy God's Perfect Peace! 
Please, From The Ways Of Sin, Self And Satan
Aggressively Cease! 

The Teachable Moment ...

Let's Learn From The Lost
Who Chose Not The Way Of God's Light
Did Suffer What Is Truly Eternal Loss! 

The Saved Are Those
Who Practice Self-Denial
Follow The Way Of The Cross!

Jude 1:11 KJV - Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of ...


Let Us Be Wise 
Choose Not To Learn Life By Bitter Personal Experience 
But Rather
By Learning From The Published 
Known Sorrowful Experiences Of Those 
Who Stood Up In Opposition To Almighty God: 
These Experiences Are Recorded To Warn And Teach Us! 

Cain ... Adam's First-Born Son ... Was Disobedient
Indulged In Willful, Witting, False Worship
Committed Murder
Was Banished
Lived In Open Rebellion Against God!

Balaam Was A Prophet Who Loved Profit
Indulged In Witchcraft
Who Chose To Place A Stumbling In The Path Of Israel 
By Encouraging Them In Idolatry And Immorality 
Through Planned Deception: 
He Defied And Disobeyed God 
Through His Gross Greed And Carnal Covetousness!

Korah ... A Temple Worker
A Prince Amongst His People
Indulged In Covetousness And Disobedience
Boldly Challenged Aka Defied The Word Of God: 
The Earth Swallowed Him And His Possessions! 

These Three Men Are Lost Forever! 

Understand And Be Warned ...

Almighty God Means What He Says
Punishments ... Just Like Promises
Are Always Delivered Right On Time! 

Please Don't Tempt God 
Don't Follow The Multitude To Sin 
Or Dare To Cause Others To Sin! 


The Holy God Takes Blessed Care Of His Children: 
Trust Him Today! 
Jesus Christ 
Our True And Only Peace! 

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Teach Me Your Holy Way And Help Me To Choose Always To Walk In It Because Your Way Is Always The Best And Blessed Way!


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