
Friday, July 17, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + BE ENCOURAGED + PRAYER: Father, Help Me Not To Be A Bread And Fish Christian!

Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + The True Beauty Of ...

Life Will Be Dark At Times 
Our God ... Almighty ... Is Light! 
Trust Him: He Is The Truth! 
Trust In Him No Matter What Happens
He Has Given Unto Us Great Treasure In These Earthen Vessels: 
His Faith To See To Believe 
The Holy Spirit ... The Comforter Who Is Come
Who Is Here
Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 

All Of Almighty God's Gifts To Men
Are Good
With No Sorrow Added!


Human Eyes Are Blind Even Though They Physically See
The Eyes Of Working Faith Ever Have Sight 
They See Living Light ... Truth
That Can Never Fail Or Fall! 

Our God 
Good To Us 
Even Though We Don't Deserve It! 
Pray ... And Hold On
Plod On While It Is Still Day! 
Jesus Christ Is Coming For Us Real Soon! 

Mark 13:37 And what I say to you I say to all, Watch.


I Believe You! 
Please Rid Me Of Any Unbelief That I May Be Cherishing! 
Please Help Me Not To Be A Bread And Fish Christian 
Always Available To Feast 
But Never Available To Help With The Work 
That Will Cause Hurting People From Willing Sinning To Cease! 
Please Help Me To Stay In The Word That Brings Faith!

Please Help Me Not To Be Amongst Those 
Who Tell The Good News But Don't Live It
Who Point Fingers And Pray Self-Righteous Prayers
Who Seem Not To Understand That 
The Cup Of Blessings Will Overflow 
But The Cup Of Planned Sin Has An Unbreachable Limit! 
Please Help Me So That My Living Is Not In Vain!

I'm Watching, Lord
And Praying 
And Hoping! 
Please Hold My Hand And Help Me To Follow You 
And In Living Truth 
Obediently, Enduringly, Stand 
So That In Perfect Peace 
I Shall Behold You, My King
And In Your Glorious Presence Eternally Stand
In Jesus' Holy Name I Pray And Humbly Plead!
I Love You, Lord!
Please Come For Us Soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Father, With Humble Heart All Filled With Joy, I Give You Praise, Pure, Not Alloyed!


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