
Friday, July 3, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + I AM ... Am I ... A True And Faithful Servant Of Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + Jesus, Lover Of My ...

Jude 1:1-2 by mvcquotes on DeviantArt

How Many Of Us Christians Called
Walking Around Talking About 
"I'm Blessed And Highly Favored
A Beloved Child Of Christ The King!" 
Are Willing To Say ... As The Apostle Jude
"I AM A Servant Of Christ!" 
Mean It!?! 

Many Of Us Talk About Jesus Christ 
As The Suffering Servant Who Serves Us 
Have Not A Care To Realize That 
Christ Didn't And Doesn't Serve Us 
For Us To Serve Ourselves! 

Jesus Christ Was A Servant On A Mission Of Mercy 
He Left An Example For Us To Follow! 
Service Is Not Servitude 
Aka It Not Slavishly Doing
A Low Mean Office! 

Love Serves The One Loved ... Willingly 
Without Hope Of Reward 
All Of Us Who Name The Name Which Is Above All Names 
Need To Get Our Acts Together
Humble Ourselves
Stop Behaving Like Satan 
Who Only Wanted The Power And Position 
Not The Humility And Grace That 
Would Have Helped Him Serve Others 
With The Joy That Jesus Felt On The Cross
Feels As He Sees Us Coming Home To His Side 
As A Direct Result Of His Willing Service
His Servant-Work! 


Only The Humble Are Lifted Up: 
Chew On This Fact
Swallow The Truth
Choose To Indulge Willing, Heartfelt Service
To The Crown 
To The Majesty Of Glory
To Be Eternally Saved And Blessed!

Servants Follow The Lead Of Their Masters!
Jesus Repaired To Our Father!
Jesus Prayed Constantly To Our Father
Jesus Kept Himself In Constant Communion With Our Father!
Talking To Our Father Was The Way Of Life For Our Jesus Christ
He Gained The Promised Blessings
He Successfully Fulfilled His Earthly Mission
Returned To The Bosom Of Our Father In Heaven
As The Conquering King
With Trophies To Prove That 
The Victory For Us Is Won!


Are You Truly Following Jesus Christ's Path Home
To Our Father's House In Glory
Where Blessings Are As The Sands Of The Sea
As The Leaves Of Autumn
As The Great Showers Of The Spring
As The Grand Fall Of The Snow Of Winter!?!
Are You Communing With Our Father God
As To An Intimate And Ever-Present Able, Helpful
Forever Savior, Lord, God And Trustworthy Friend!?!
Please Dare To Ask The Questions
Dare To Find Answers That 
Satisfy The Heart That Beats For ... Jesus Christ Alone!

1 comment:

  1. It Is Well, Dear Father, With My Soul: Thank You ... In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! Now Help Me, Please, To Be Able To Say Each And Every Day, With True Conviction, With The Confidence Of Working Faith, That I Am On My Way ... Home!


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