
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

RESPECT IS DUE TO A DOG: Speech Belongs To God!

Proverbs 15:1 - KJV - Bible verse of the day -

Whose Spirit Is Moving Your Tongue!?!
Is It The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Is It The Adversarial Spirit Of The Accuser Of The Brethren!?! 

Are Your Words Kind, Soft, And Uplifting 
Or Are They Harsh, Sure To Offend
Hurtful ... Demeaning!?! 

The Soul Bound For Glory
Should Know These Things!

Apostle James Called The Tongue A Fire
A World Of Iniquity Aka Planned Sin
Lit By The Fires Of Hell
Full Of Deadly Poison 
And Obviously
Doing The Devil's Dirty Work! 


We Are Called Christians For A Reason: 
We Are To Light The World 
To Make It Wise Unto Salvation 
We Are To Salt The World 
To Make It Suitable For The Storehouse Of God
Fit To Appear At The Welcome Home Table Of 
The Great King, The Eternal, Holy God 
Who, Himself, Was Of A Meek And Gentle Spirit 
Whose Passing Wouldn't Even Bruise A Reed! 

We Are To Be Like Jesus
Gently Drawing People To Almighty God 
Not Repelling Them By Being Loud, Obnoxious And Unkind! 

Let's Dare To Ask Ourselves The Hard Questions: 

Am I A Good Representative For Christ And His Kingdom!?! 
Am I Edible Wheat Or Am I Burnable Tares? 
Am I Setting A Good Example By Being Honest Honey And Valuable Velvet 
Am I Dishonoring The Father's Name 
By Spitting Nails
Brandishing Swords 
Lighting Fires!?!

Believers Have Hope And Help ...

Let's Ask The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
To Guide Our Thoughts
Feed Us Good Words 
Correct Us When We Go Sideways To Do Wrong! 

Everybody Ought To Know ...

It Pays To Serve Jesus Christ The Lord ... Faithfully
It Behooves Us Well To Understand And Accept That
Only Good, Kind, Obedient
Meek, Gentle People ... Peacemakers 
Shall Enter The Kingdom Of God
Shall Inherit The Earth Made New
Shall Bear The Image Of Jesus Christ! 
We Shall See Him As He Is!


Look At 
Clean Out The Garbage Of 
An Unfeeling, Unkind Tongue 
You Desire To Go Home To The Glorious Kingdom! 

Through Almighty God's Love For Us
We Have Free Will 
Freedom To Choose Our Own Way In Life
So Let's Choose To Be Pure In Heart
Let's Choose To Be True Children Of God: 
Let's Control Our Tongues 
Our Actions Today! 

Remember ...

Speech Belongs To Almighty God
Respect Is Due To A Dog:
Say And Do What Is Good And Right!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Curb My Natural Impulses To Aggression And Retaliation And Bless Me, Please, To Always Speak Words To Edify All Those Persons Who Are In Range Of My Voice, No Matter The Provocation To Do Otherwise!


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