
Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Green Olive Tree

 Psalms 52:8 KJV - But I am like a green olive tree in the house of ...

To Be A Green Olive Tree 
To Be Something Precious ... Beautiful
Bearing Good Fruit
Abundantly Fruitful
Immensely Useful! 

Such Is The Lot
The Call
The Mission
The Duty Of All Who Will To Be Evergreen Christians 
In The House Of The Lord Of Life! 

The Lord Prunes Those Whom He Uses! 
Those Whom He Uses 
Are Equipped By The Lord ... Himself
To Do The Work That 
He Has Ordained To Be Accomplished! 

Those Whom The Lord Uses 
Unfailingly Put Their Trust In Him 
Rest Under The Shadow Of His Wings 
Until The Terrors Of Life Are Passed 
And We
In The Fullness Of God's Timing
Stand In The Open
In The Glorious Kingdom
In His Glorious Presence ... Forevermore! 


We Have A Work To Do For Our Lord Christ 
Faith, Trust
Enduring Obedience Are Required! 

Let's Take As The Lord Feeds Us By His Holy Spirit 
Let Us Feed The World 
Known Hungry For Saving Truth! 

Let's Feed Others 
From Our Plate Of Good Food From God 
So That We May Receive 
More Good Food From God! 

The Lord Feeds The Green Olive Tree 
The Green Olive Tree Feeds The World With The Golden Olive Oil
The Holy Spirit, Within! 

Talk Is Cheap: 
Get Up And Do A Good Work For Almighty God! 
Heaven At Any Personal Cost 


1 comment:

  1. In The Hands Of The Eternal God, I Shall Be Remade In The Image Of The Lord Christ: Father, Please Help Me To Endure The Pruning, The Process Of Perfecting My Character To Become Like My Jesus!


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