
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Moths And Cockroaches

John 3:19-32 KJV - And this is the condemnation, that light is come into  the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds  were evil.

Look In The Mirror!
    Look At Your Self!
        Look At Your Life!
Now I Ask You Quite Plain: 

Who Are You!?!
Who Are You Planning To Be!?!
Is Your Practice
Following The Master's Plan!?!
Are You A Child Of The Day!?!
Who Will You Be
On The Day That Has No Night!?!

When The Lord Christ Shall Come
There Will Only Be Two Types Of Persons On This Planet: 
Condemned Unbelieving Cockroaches 
Commended Believing Moths! 

Jesus Christ Is The Light Of Life
The Light Of The World 
The Enduring Faithful
The Saints Of God And Christ 
- The Moths Who Love And Gravitate Towards Light -
Will Ascend To His Glorious Side! 

By Contrast
Those Willing Sinners Who, Like Cockroaches, Despise Light
Especially Adore The Darkness 
The Darkness Covers Up Their Nefarious Deeds
Will Run Away From The Lord To The Rocks And Hills 
Pleading For Shelter 
To Hide Them From His Disclosing-Deeds Light: 
It Ain't Gonna Work! 


We Must Be Born Again! 
We Must Put Away  All 
Nocturnal Practices 
That Shall Surely Cause The Great King To Say To Us:

"Depart From Me! 
I Never Knew You!" 


Be Sure Of This One Thing: 
What Is Done In The Darkness Will Come To Light! 

All Hidden Sins Will Be Found Out
So, Please, I Beseech Us All
Stop Rubbing Cockroach Legs In The Darkness 
Choose To Flutter A Moth's Wings In The Light Of Jesus Christ 
Who Is Soon Coming For His Faithful Children! 

No Jesus: No Peace!
Know Jesus: Know Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Praise The Lord, I See The Light Of Life And I Am Blessed! Lord, Please Help Me To Hold On To You For Dear Life!


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