
Thursday, September 17, 2020

We've Got To Go Through To Get Through!

John 17:15 I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that  you should keep them from the evil.

By These Very Words
Jesus Christ Disabuses All Those Who Are Relying 
On That Vile Lie Of The Devil Which Says
Jesus' Rapture - Catching Away - Of His People To Heaven 
Will Be Before The Seven Last Plagues Are Poured Out 
That They Will Not Be In The Thick Of The Strife! 

Jesus Christ Is The Word Of God
The Word Of God Cannot Lie!!

Jesus Christ Has Asked His Father ... Our Father
To Keep Us From The Evil
We Will All Do Very Well 
To Fortify Ourselves With The Sure Word 
Fire-Proof Our Minds By Constant Praying 
Pleading With The Lord For Favor 
For Faithful Endurance
For Willing Obedience
For Rest In Him! 

Our Lord Jesus Keenly Felt 
The Need To Be In Constant Communion With His Father
This Communion Often Resulted 
In Holy Angels Coming Down To Strengthen Him! 
Our Father Will Do The Same For Us Who Trust Him!

Our Beloved Jesus Never Committed Sin 
And Yet 
He Felt The Need To Pray Constantly!
He Has Lovingly Left A Pattern For Us To Diligently Follow! 

Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation ...

The Probing Question Must Be Asked
Honestly Answered:

Shouldn't Rabid Sinners
Even We Who Are Now Repentant-Sinners-Saved By Grace
Recognize Our Need For Help From Heaven 
As Clearly Instructed ... As Lovingly Encouraged
Humbly Pray With Passion 


Let's Not Wait Until Trouble Comes To Practice Praying! 
Let's Make Praying A Potent Part Of Our Christian Practice 
So That Our Default Position 
- When Trouble Does Come -
Will Be Peace Through Praying!

Peace Cannot Be Purchased
Begged For
Nor Bartered With
It Is A Precious Gift
Freely Given To Each Of Us
By The Gracious Prince Of Peace
Prince Immanuel
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Shepherd Of Blessed Rest! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Pray Persistently 
Practically Plod On To Paradise! 

1 comment:

  1. Whether He Is Walking As An Angel Of Light Or Doing His Dirty Deeds In The Darkness, Satan Was, Is And Will Always Be The Enemy Of All Of Us Who Choose To Walk With The Lord Jesus Christ In Truth And Righteous To Safely Get Home To Beulah Land! Precious Jesus, I Need You: Please Hold My Hand!


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