
Thursday, October 15, 2020

BE A FOR-REAL JESUS-CHRISTAN: Be The "Bible" That People Read With Pleasure!

A Sinner Turned Christian 
Starts With Head Knowledge Of The Lord Christ 
Which Then Becomes Heart Knowledge 
Through The Association That Comes From Obedience, Faith 
Aka Prayer And The Reading Of The Living Word 
Aka CommUnIcation! 
It's A Conversation Between You And The Great I AM
The God Of Grace And Glory! 


Conformity With The Worldly Class 
Excludes Us From The Heavenly Upgrade 
Which Comes Of Us Having Our Minds Be Transformed 
By The Lord Of Love
Who Gives Life! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Think That Calling Christ Your King
Singing The Songs Of Zion 

And ... To Be At Earthly Peace

Going Along With The Degenerate Ways Of Unbelievers
Scoffers At Truth
Scorners Of Faith And Belief
Those Who Indulge Gross And Ungodly Practices 
For Temporal Gain
Going To Get You Through The Pearl Gate! 

If You Are A Jesus-Christian
Be An Earthly-Useful, Heavenly-Minded Christian 
All Day, Every Day ... In Every Way: Don't Play
For The Love Of God
Please Stop Going Into The World Acting All Worldly-Wise
To Try To Convert People To Be Christians: 
It Ain't Gonna Work! 

Let Your Lived Life Be The "Bible" That People Read With Pleasure! 
Let Your Words Edify! 
Be The Good Ambassador For Christ! 
Be A Jesus-Christian ... With Your Whole Heart! 

Pursue Peace! 

Stand Up For The Holy God
That You Say That You Believe In
State That You Belong To!
Stand Up For Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is The Same, Yesterday, Today And Forever: I, By God's Grace, Will Be Like Jesus!


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