
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Promises Of God Are Not Comforts For Fools!

KJV Luke 15:10
10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.


Anyone Who Does Not Hold Our Almighty God In Godly Fear 
Fair Game To Satan And His Fallen Angels 
Who Will Work Diligently To Help Them Accumulate Enough Sin 
To Acquire The Fare For The One-Way Ticket 
To Hell 'N Damnation! 

All Of Us Already Have Enough Sin
The Committed-To-Christ Child Of God 
Being In Awe ... Godly Fear ... Of His Maker
Believing The Word Of Promise
Will Choose To Daily Confess 
Repent ... Turn Away From ... Known Sin! 

Time For A Think-Think ... 

Let Us Consider The Invitation To Confess ... And Repent
The Promise To Forgive ... And To Cleanse
The Decision To Follow Christ ... And Live By Faith That Cannot Fail Us
The Blessed Hope Aka Christ In Us Our Hope For Glory! 
We Have Reason For Our Blessed Hope! 


The Promises Of God Are Not Comforts For Fools! 
They Are "Yes, Lord!" And "Amen!" 
For All The Saints Of God And Christ 
Who Have Resolved To Live For The Lord Of Life
Who Exchanged His Life For Ours 
So That We Have The Opportunity 
To Transact A One-For-One Fair Exchange Of
Our Sinful Life For His Holy Life
Our Mortality For His Immortality
Our Perishing Planet For His Perfect Paradise! 

Brethren, Beloved,

Please Let The Holy Spirit Guide You Into All Truth: 
Dare To Strive For The Crown That Doesn't Tarnish! 
Let Heaven Rejoice Over You Today! 

Truth And Peace
Are One!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Thank You For The Myriad Promises Which I Know And Accept And Appreciate Are Wondrous Blessings For Believers! I Believe You, Lord! Please Cure Me Of Any Spots Of Unbelief!


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