
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Who You Looking At!?! Who Looking At You!?!


We've All Met One Of Them! 

We've Heard The Aggressive: 
"Who You Looking At!?!" 

We've Heard The Calm Response: 
"I'm Looking At You!" 

We've Also Heard The Nasty Riposte: 
"Take A Picture! 
It'll Last Longer!" 

But ...

Has That Dear Soul Asked Themselves 
Why They Were Being Looked At
Or Wondered If The Look Was A Desire 
To Eat Them 
Or To Teach Them ... And Why ... 
Depending On The Desire That 
They Personally Know That 
They Are Causing In Their Watcher!?! 

How Are You Being Watched!?! 
How Are You Being Changed By What You Observe!?! 
How Are Others Being Changed By Looking At You!?! 
Is The Picture That People Are Taking Of You
Worthy Of Being Placed In The Victory Garden
The Hall Of Fame
Or The Dank, Dark, Cellar Of Shame!?! 

How Do You See Yourself!?! 

Is The Picture Clear Or Cloudy!?! 
Is It A Gold Apple In A Silver Frame 
Or A Bright Red, Juicy-Looking Apple That 
Has A Worm In It 
Is Rotten At The Core!?!
Are You Fit Or Being Fitted For The Table Of The King 
Or Are You Hog Food!?! 

I'm Asking Myself That Question: 
Will You!?! 

Ask The Hard Question! 
Answer It Honestly! 
Fix The Bad Part! 
Increase The Good Part
Dare ... Really Dare
Learn From Our Great Exemplar Jesus Christ: 
The Devil Will Be Withstood! 

Peace With The Lord

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Class Up My Thoughts, Words And Deeds So That I May Set The Good Example For All Who Will Observe Me In My Interactions With Others!


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