
Monday, October 19, 2020

WILL-WORSHIP: The Worship Fantasy


How Many Times Have You Said: 
"I Will Worship The Lord!" 
And, Instead
Indulged In Will-Worship Wherein Instead Of Worshipping God 
As He Requires His Children So To Do
We Flagrantly "Worship" The Eternal God 
How Our Personal And Known-Disobedient And Selfish Self Dictates!?! 

Will-Worship Aka Man-Made Worship Aka The Worship Fantasy
Straight-Up Idolatry 
It Places Us Sinful Creatures Upon The Throne Of Almighty God 
By Our Honoring Our Wicked Desires 
Pet Inclinations! 
Man Can't Decide How Man Is To Worship His Creator!

Oh, The Shame Of It All ...

We Try To Be What We're Not 
Become Less Than What We Were Created To Be! 


The Human Will
- That Precious Gift To Us From The Almighty God -
The Most Powerful Weapon On Earth! 
Look Out ... And Be Wise! 
Look Upward ... Not Inward! 

If We Are Truly Wise ... Unto Our Own Soul's Salvation 
Truly Humble ... So That Pride Won't Trip Us Up
We Will Turn Over Our Sovereign Will To The Sovereign Lord 
For Him To Mold, Direct, Protect 
Use ... As He Wills
For His Holy And Good Pleasure 
Not Use Our Freedom To Choose 
To Use Our Free Will 
To Spiritually, Physically And Emotionally Hurt ... Abuse
Ourselves And Others ... Just Because! 
No Good Will Come Of This Unwise Behavior!

Turn Over A New Page ... 

Be Brave!
Let Us Say To Our Own Souls 
"I Trust In The Name Of The Lord Christ
And I Will Worship The Living God 
In The Beauty Of Holiness 
So That I Won't Fall Prey To Satan, King Fraud
The Wannabe God!
Almighty God ... Mighty And Able To Utterly Save
Will Take Care Of Me!" 

Brethren, Beloved

Dare To And Deny Self: 
Willingly Worship The Lord God As He, Alone, Says! 
Raise Up, Class Up, Your Ideas
Be The Beau Idéal!
Jesus Christ Is Perfect!

Peace With Almighty God
Brings Relief
The Effects Of The Fall!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Is My Portion, Saith My Soul, So, Therefore, I Will Trust In Him!


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