
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Conscience .... Hot Iron ... Seared!?!

"Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide!" 

That Sounds Easy Enough! 

But ... 

What If Your Conscience Has Been 
Seared With A Hot Iron!?! 

Hot ... Heat ...  Burns! 

Hot Iron On A Living Thing Cuts Into It
Burns It 
Cauterizes Aka Seals It!

It Seals In What Is Already Inside The Body 
Seals Out What Is Outside! 
This Is A Problem For Us! 


Sealed-In Bad Habits Can't Be Removed 
Good Habits To Cultivate Cannot Get In 
The Holy Spirit 
Emphatically Shut Out 
And, Therefore
Is Unable To Do A Good Work In Our Lives! 

Question Is ...

Do You Feel Sorry For Wrong-Doing!?! 
Are You Still Able To Blush With Shame!?!
Do You Even Care 
What Jesus Our Lord Experiences 
When You Do Wrong!?! 

I Sincerely Pray The Father That 
Every One Of Us 
Regularly Attacked By 
Made Truly Uncomfortable 
By A Working-For-Our-Good Conscience
 So That We Will Always Choose To Do What Is Right! 

Wither The Adversary ...

Satan's "Conscience" 
So He Seeks To Kill And Destroy To Get His Jollies! 
Reject Satan And His Tempting Policies! 

Please Choose Life And Blessing 
And Not 
Cursing And Death! 
Let Your Conscience Freely Work: 
Pray Always! 

There Is No Secret Agenda
Perfect Peace With The Lord!!

1 comment:

  1. Father, In The Name Of Jesus Christ The Righteous, and By Your Grace Working, My Life, My Mind, My Conscience, Is Yours To Steer In The Paths Of Truth And Righteousness And Blessing And Peace Unto The Eternal Rest Of The Blessed In The Beautiful City!


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