
Friday, November 20, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Let Your Faith In The Holy God Testify!

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them! 
The Lies That Men Tell Shall Surely Scald Them! 

The Good That Men Do 
Testifies Of Their Faith In That Holy God That 
Blesses And Keeps Them 
The Truth That They Tell 
Serves To Clean Them
Protect Them 
Set Them Apart For Heaven! 

Who Is Good And Faithful
Up To Heaven Shall Surely Rise! 

Who Is Evil And Deceitful
Practicing Lies For Pleasure And Profit
Shall ... With Satan And The Fallen Angels
In The Lake Of Fire Most Assuredly Die! 


There Is Always Profit 
In Always Doing The Good And The Right 
So Please Do Not Join With Liars And Evil-Doers 
For Supposed Temporal, Earthly, Delight! 

A Ravenous Parasite Within The Heart
A Pus-Filled Stye In The Eye
An Uncontrolled Blight On The Skin Of The Evil-Doer 
Who Carries The Stench Of Death Upon His Person! 

Jesus Christ Calls Us To Life Everlasting
To Good Works
To Walk In Truth And Righteousness
To Live Lives Pleasing In His Holy Sight 
So That In Us He Will Delight! 

Evil-Doers Serve Satan! 

Let Us By Faith
For Grace
With Mercy
Serve The Living God Known Good! 
Walk In The Light ... The Truth!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is The Truth And The Light And Life Of Mankind: Draw Me Nearer And Lift Me Up Higher And Higher, Dear Lord!


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